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I've been scammed
r1_pete - 14/5/09 at 11:47 AM

I never thought I'd get caught out out, but I have....

Signed up for a free sample of a product from USA, all I had to pay was carriage. Goods turned up from China!!

Credit card bill just turned up with another debit from said company. Now reading their small print, if I dont contact them within 15 days of the original order, they will charge me $79.99 for the free goods, and send more goods each month at $79.99 + post.

I have emailed the company to stop, as per their policy, and contacted credit card co. to ask them not to allow any more payments to this company - which they say they CAN'T do, but will send me some forms to try and get my money back.

Anyone have any ideas how I can be sure I don't get further debits, apparently closing the credit card account isn't guaranteed to work.

Familiarity bred contempt and I got caught, and no-one could call me more stupid t##ts b#####rds etc that I havent called myself. But any advice greatfully revieved.

[Edited on 14/5/09 by r1_pete]

Mr Whippy - 14/5/09 at 11:50 AM


whats the product? my gran use to say nothing in life was free

r1_pete - 14/5/09 at 11:55 AM

Just some colon cleanse stuff, called power cleanse, supposed to be good for IBS, but for all the good they were......

Yup she's right, this is my not so gentle reminder....

[Edited on 14/5/09 by r1_pete]

DarrenW - 14/5/09 at 11:56 AM

Aryou still within the 15 days deadline - i guess not. 15 days sounds wholly inadequate. If from Europe id say you have some rights etc, but im not sure how you stand buying from outside EU.

It would be worth contacting a consumer group like trading standards or citizens advice asap.

Have you tried googling the company to see if others have fell for the same? There might be documented cases where others have managed to get out of the deal.

Good luck.

Im also interested to know what the free product is. Are they sex toys? They may play on peoples embarassment as a ploy to prevent public complaints.

richardlee237 - 14/5/09 at 11:57 AM

You Must

    Write a letter to your credit card company , instructing them not to make any payments to this company.
    You must include copies of all e-mails, showing what you have signed up for and what you have cancelled.
    You must send this letter immediately by recorded delivery.

    Contact your local Citizens advice bureau to see what other steps you can take.

hughpinder - 14/5/09 at 12:01 PM

Ooo Nasty

I'm surprised your cc company can't stop the extra payments! I think I'd clear the current credit card balance, then immediately stop the direct debit/standing order to the card, and let them know you won't restore it until they cancel that payment. I had some difficulties paying my cards a while back and its amazing how quick they find they CAN stop payments even when you ask them not to, when you tell them they won't get any money from you.
Hope you resolve it ok

cd.thomson - 14/5/09 at 12:01 PM

is it within 30days?

written notification to cancel and return the product. you will lose the original postage, and be charged a restoking fee.

If youve used it all then youve lost your 79.99 but notifying them you want no more makes any further charges illegal.

mr henderson - 14/5/09 at 12:01 PM

I believe that if it is a credit (not debit) card, and you are a private consumer, then it is against the Consumer Credit Act for the CC company to charge you for goods you haven't had. How well that applies in your case I am not sure, but there must be something in the CC act that protects you

Is there a Citizens' Advice Bureau near you?


vinny1275 - 14/5/09 at 12:11 PM

get a new credit card, transfer the balance, then cancel the old one. Keep a copyof your written instructions to the --ripoff merchants-- company saying you don't want any more product.

Job done!

Mr Whippy - 14/5/09 at 12:13 PM

that site looks so dodgy anyway, more likely its just flavoured candy or worse. No way in hell I'd even taste it

r1_pete - 14/5/09 at 12:14 PM

Thanks Guys, I have the emails, only one way, needless to say they don't reply.

Credit card co. are sending forms, I guess they'll specify what info they need.

I will give the CAB a call, and see.

thanks again.

r1_pete - 14/5/09 at 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
that site looks so dodgy anyway, more likely its just flavoured candy or worse. No way in hell I'd even taste it

In the cold light of day I agree, but the discomfort IBS causes....... I was ready to try anything.

No need to transfer the balance, its paid off just before the due date every month.

Think I'll send the documents off, then close it down.

[Edited on 14/5/09 by r1_pete]

blakep82 - 14/5/09 at 12:17 PM

if they can't stop the payments, will the credit card co give you a new card with a different number?

need4speed - 14/5/09 at 12:24 PM

Also the way they put the postage as $5.95 shipping and handling. but then the hidden charge as , seventy-nine dollars and ninety five cents for the trial, dosn't stand out quite the same way.

Hope you get it sorted.


blakep82 - 14/5/09 at 12:27 PM

this thread (on a similar theme) cracked me up, especially the email sent to the site, and the email back. page 2 i think its on lol

Mr Whippy - 14/5/09 at 12:30 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
that site looks so dodgy anyway, more likely its just flavoured candy or worse. No way in hell I'd even taste it

In the cold light of day I agree, but the discomfort IBS causes....... I was ready to try anything.

Totally understand but if it was me I’d stick to what your doctor recommends rather than some stuff off the net. That build up of toxin nonsense was discredited years ago as being complete bogus. Considering where that stuffs come from it could very well be cremated dog!

RK - 14/5/09 at 12:40 PM

The CC company should be able to stop everything by phone. Call and call again!!

MikeRJ - 14/5/09 at 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Totally understand but if it was me I’d stick to what your doctor recommends rather than some stuff off the net. That build up of toxin nonsense was discredited years ago as being complete bogus. Considering where that stuffs come from it could very well be cremated dog!

Or even worse chock full of melamine...

splitrivet - 14/5/09 at 01:44 PM

As said above consumer credit act protects you, resolve it with the card company before you shut the card down.


oldtimer - 14/5/09 at 01:46 PM

It does say you can return the stuff unopened for a refund minus 20% so not all is lost is it?

James - 14/5/09 at 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy

Totally understand but if it was me I’d stick to what your doctor recommends rather than some stuff off the net. That build up of toxin nonsense was discredited years ago as being complete bogus. Considering where that stuffs come from it could very well be cremated dog!

Or better than your Doctor, get a referral to a properly qualified Dietician (certified by the National Dietetics Association).

There may be a clinic at your local hospital. I'm not 100% if they're walk-in or if you need a GP's referral.

My best friend Kate is a fully qualified dietician working for the NHS. She says that sadly a huge amount of rubbish is spoken by so many people in the medical profession about dietetics.

Hey, you never know, you might get referred to her as a patient and that can only be a good thing as she's utterly stunning!


tendoshingan - 14/5/09 at 02:13 PM

I've known a lot of people to have been diagnosed with IBS when in fact it wasn't anything to do with it.
one had an allergy to wheat,
one turned out diabetic,
and one had stomach cancer

Unfortunately some symptoms of other things easily appear to be somehting else entirely. Just look at the symptoms for meningitis, its almost the same as a bad hangover.

I'd get a second opinion

ashg - 14/5/09 at 05:17 PM

call up and say the card has been lost they will kill it and send you a new one with a new card no and kill off the old number.

Mal - 14/5/09 at 06:39 PM

I have recently been very pleased with the assistance provided by Trading Standards in getting a large retailer to honour its legal obligations when a warranty replacement of a motherboard in my laptop failed again 3 months outside the guarantee period.
My suggestion for resolving your problem would be to go to the website:
This is the access point for trading standards. Describe your problem in an email. Ask them to contact your credit card company because they are refusing to block payments. Trading Standards will reply to you in one or two days.
In my experience credit card companies do not take quick action because many problems sort themselves out in time, but in this case you are trying to stop a problem happening.

