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How much does your SWMBO cost you
nick205 - 19/7/09 at 07:01 AM

In this time of recession I've been pulling the belt in watching the pennies -as you do.

Meanwhile, SWMBO has been doing her level best to empty the coffers

In the last 3 months she's had two SP30 speeding fines, £60 + 3 points for the first and £70 + driver training for the second. Lost car park ticket @ £15 (£2.40's worth of parking). Reversed my car into neighbours parked car @ £950 damage to theirs and £850 damage to mine. Insurance claim with £250 excess and first claim in over 6 years.

......and that's just the driving side of things - let's not get started on the bout of Ebay'itess buying all manner of crap for the kids and house

All the while asking me when the Indy is going to be sold so we can have a new bathroom and a holiday.

Anyone else got a cash hungry SWMBO

LBMEFM - 19/7/09 at 07:05 AM

Trade her in for a new one Nick, is scrapage available on used wives?

lotusmadandy - 19/7/09 at 07:07 AM

Aye, mine is the same with money.
She goes to the town 'window shopping'
and comes back loaded down with shoes and clothes
Then when i want to spend a bit on the indy,I get 'why do you want to do that when it's already on the road?'


oldtimer - 19/7/09 at 07:20 AM

Well, apart from being quite impressed at such a brave post, I must say my wife is at least partly the opposite. Been together 14 years and she's never had a knock in the car, fine or parking ticket. She does buy clothes but a lot of them are tried on at home and returned. As for the car - I don't shout about my expenditure and she lets me get on with it.

big_wasa - 19/7/09 at 07:27 AM

"How much does your SWMBO cost you ?"

Every thing.

In the next breath she moans because I spend £12 inc postage on two alegro brake cables.

When she askes me to sell mine I just tell her its only worth a couple of hundered She seems to think it will never make it out of the garage

Benzine - 19/7/09 at 07:51 AM

have you tried telling her all this? Re: new bathroom: if it isn't broken, don't fix it

eznfrank - 19/7/09 at 07:56 AM

I run all our finances in this house, all the money for bills, petrol, food and savings goes into the joint account and doesn't get touched. We each get spending money transferred into our own individual accounts, I get a little bit more as I earn quite a bit more than her but she still gets £450 a month to spend on whatever she wants, it usually lasts about halfway into the month before she comes to me cap in hand!!

IanBrace - 19/7/09 at 08:11 AM

Keep her.... It's cheaper than a divorce!

major - 19/7/09 at 08:26 AM

Every problem has two sides!

- don't only concentrate on the cost part, there is always a revenue side!

grusks2 - 19/7/09 at 08:54 AM

I bought a Help the Heros wrist band yesterday £2 she pops out and does £150 in the Next sale. WOMEN

Danozeman - 19/7/09 at 09:01 AM

MInes not too bad really. We have our own money to spend. We have our own bank accounts and a joint one that we transfer an amount into each month to cover the bills with a bit spare,. The rest is spends. I never give her money unless im feeling generous which is very rare.

She has no idea what i spend on the car as i have it all delivered to work and shes not here when i get home so it goes straight into the garage

graememk - 19/7/09 at 09:08 AM

Amy said to me the otherday we need to move to a bigger house as the wardrobes are full.

but in fairness we both put xx into a joint account and keep what ever we have left.

Mark Allanson - 19/7/09 at 09:10 AM

I spend just about every waking hour putting money into the joint account and she spends just about every waking hour taking money out of the joint account.

Its the way life is - get over it

richardh - 19/7/09 at 09:10 AM

make her sell some of her stuff to help pay towards it all.

or put her on the game

contaminated - 19/7/09 at 09:27 AM

Mines not too bad with money, it's everything else. Hard work generally. Bit of a looker though - I should have married an ugly b*stard!!

miikae - 19/7/09 at 09:36 AM

Nothing now as a country yokel took her off my hands and now a few years down the line she's gone bankrupt lost there house and living in a caravan , thankfully i kept the house on the understanding that when i snuff it the kids get it , never looked back since, as lifes is great with no debts and cars and bikes everywhere .


[Edited on 19-7-2009 by miikae]

oadamo - 19/7/09 at 09:38 AM

where moving house at the mo so its costing an arm and both legs. so the other half gos out and buys all new things for the kitchen (because shes wants a different colour) and she said she is going to leave all the old stuff at the old house so we dont have to take it with us. like f*** she is its going on ebay

disco_biscuit - 19/7/09 at 09:49 AM

Originally posted by contaminated
Bit of a looker though

mangogrooveworkshop - 19/7/09 at 10:06 AM

Thats the problem with contract....
Some of my mates are on pay as you go and so have more control on costs

DorsetStrider - 19/7/09 at 05:07 PM

Thank you so much guys...

Reading this thread has made me feel SOOO much better about being single!