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O/T Job advice needed
roadrunner - 11/12/09 at 09:02 AM

Hi fellas.
Where i work at the minute has been very hard , its not the job its the business account or lack of it (there is only two of us) so when it comes to pay day it's a bit of a lottery.
So over the last six weeks i have applied for quite a few jobs within my field, and on Tuesday of this week i was offered the first one which i have accepted just to make sure i have money over xmas.
Now the wage on this new job is not great and i start next Tuesday but on wednesday i have two interviews for potentially better jobs with better pay.
What do i do, i am going to look a dick asking for a day off work when i have just started.
Should i tell them the truth or come up with an excuse, but what sort of excuse. I'm at a loss what to do for best.

carpmart - 11/12/09 at 09:18 AM

This is the classic 'grass is greener' and 'bird in the hand' problem!

If you are bullish and think you will secure one of the two new jobs on Wed, don't start the one you have been offered, and go full bore for one of the better paid jobs. If you aren't so confident, then you have to either stick with the job you have and interview for the other two on Wed, or take the new offer and thank your lucky stars you have a wage coming in!

tegwin - 11/12/09 at 09:19 AM

Not atall..... just explain to them that you agreed to this "other commitment" months ago, and therefore can not cancel it. They will have to lump it!

I did something very similar in the first week of my job..... I simply was not willing to cancel my SVA!

roadrunner - 11/12/09 at 09:21 AM

I think i have to take the risk, the other commitment sounds the best way to go.

roadrunner - 11/12/09 at 09:38 AM

What would be the best way to go about it if they ask what commitment.

turbodisplay - 11/12/09 at 09:47 AM

Whatever you do keep it as truthful as possible.
E.g. taking the dog to the vet when you don`t own a dog will eventually get found out.


paul the 6th - 11/12/09 at 09:47 AM

it's an appointment which you've had planned for months and it's none of their business

carpmart - 11/12/09 at 09:51 AM

I think my original post stands else its a recipe for disaster!

MikeR - 11/12/09 at 10:13 AM

Its a personal appointment that you don't want to discuss with them. If it becomes an issue that will potentially affect your employment you'll discuss it privately with your manager.

tegwin - 11/12/09 at 10:14 AM

Yeah... tell them its an "appointment"... they will automatically assume its a medical thing and wont want to ask too many questions

Dusty - 11/12/09 at 10:27 AM

I always quote longstanding appointment for a medical review. Then if you are forced to give details to your boss you can say its for results, you passed some blood a while back, have had the tests, were told at the time everything looked OK so you didn't mention it at your interview but this appointment is to get the official OK.
Depends how good a liar you are.

boggle - 11/12/09 at 10:49 AM

or just have swine flu on your first day...

stevec - 11/12/09 at 11:07 AM

Vasectomy, no one would lie about that.

[Edited on 11/12/09 by stevec]

mr henderson - 11/12/09 at 11:38 AM

Originally posted by stevec
Vasectomy, no one would lie about that.

[Edited on 11/12/09 by stevec]

I can think of occasions when somebody might lie about that!

tegwin - 11/12/09 at 12:43 PM

Haha... dont use that one..... if you ever want to go on paternity leave you might have a few problems!

blakep82 - 11/12/09 at 12:55 PM

Originally posted by boggle
or just have swine flu on your first day...

that would work, say T75-486BT734-B and you can't go wrong lol

or just say you have a doctor appointment

[Edited on 11/12/09 by blakep82]

Steve G - 11/12/09 at 01:23 PM

Can you not simply delay your start date?? I'd try and delay it to the following Monday myself and let the prospective employers know the situation - that you have a job offer to start the following Monday. Might get a quick decission that way so you can take the best offer.

Just a thought anyway

tomprescott - 11/12/09 at 01:36 PM

Originally posted by turbodisplay
Whatever you do keep it as truthful as possible.
E.g. taking the dog to the vet when you don`t own a dog will eventually get found out.


You take the dog to the vets, had to have him put down. Very sad and don't want to talk about it! Simples

roadrunner - 11/12/09 at 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Steve G
Can you not simply delay your start date?? I'd try and delay it to the following Monday myself and let the prospective employers know the situation - that you have a job offer to start the following Monday. Might get a quick decission that way so you can take the best offer.

Just a thought anyway

Tried that they just said i cant have the job.
Anyway, lots of things to mull over and i will keep you all informed the result.
Thanks Fellas

morcus - 11/12/09 at 04:43 PM

It's normally very easy to get time of from a job when your starting.

Most people won't ask specifics if you say you don't want to talk about it, I personally wouldn't tell the truth as from their perspective you've accepted their offer and are now using them as security, and they'll probably be able to sack you simply for not liking you in the first month or so in their employ.

James - 11/12/09 at 05:28 PM

I'd go with the appointment thing too.

People won't like to ask personal details.

On further thought:

"my girlfriend's (or wife's!) got a medical appointment and needs me there with her"

might work as it's sounds like it's some icky 'female problem' so they won't ask too much and at the same time won't think you're some medical liability!


[Edited on 11/12/09 by James]

gazza285 - 11/12/09 at 08:19 PM

How long before you would regret not going? Tell them its a prior engagement and go.

jacko - 11/12/09 at 08:53 PM

I hope you new job boss is NOT reading this
Good luck what ever you do Brad

Ninehigh - 12/12/09 at 04:46 PM

They can't refuse you time off for a doctor's appointment...