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New Zealand Earthquake.
TPG - 23/2/11 at 10:07 PM

Okayyyyy.Now, I must state up front that I have an interest in NZ.
So.Why,except for oil (That can't be the only reason..) does Libya(Killed a police officer in London .Homed the Lockerbie bomber) get all the news coverage when a country that carries OUR flag as part of its own,after a major disaster gets second fiddle in news coverage?

[Edited on 23/2/11 by TPG]

scootz - 23/2/11 at 10:15 PM

Whilst the loss of life, injury and damage in NZ is terribly sad, it's occurrence is not going to have much of an impact on the world.

What's happening in the north of Africa and the Middle East will...

TPG - 23/2/11 at 10:26 PM

That would be why the latest exploits of the Popstar/Bigbrother/Britains got wanna be's get front page coverage when in vogue then? The point is where are our press going now days.Who decides what's covered or reported?Think of the countryside march,or the current fuel protests.Proper mislead eh?

[Edited on 23/2/11 by TPG]

scootz - 23/2/11 at 10:28 PM


britishtrident - 23/2/11 at 10:31 PM

Christchurch is an immense tragedy the size of which is only now beginning to sink home, the fact that NZ is literally at the other side of the world 36 hours away by airline means that the big broadcasters cannot instantly get their own reporters out to a city that is normally so civilised and stable that it is a news backwater.

An added difficulty is that the news media had pre-positioned most of its foreign correspondents across the Arab world ready to cover what is a very rapidly changing and potentially explosive political situation.

The Libya situation and what happens in the rest of the Arab world has major implication for the stability of the whole northern hemisphere and the safety of every individual in every civilised country.

[Edited on 23/2/11 by britishtrident]

Ben_Copeland - 23/2/11 at 10:37 PM

Plus I feel that natural disasters always come second fiddle to man made ones. Even when it shouldnt.

dave - 23/2/11 at 10:42 PM

I have a friend on holiday in New Zealand (christchurch) so the news was important to me, happily she is ok. I think its a case of if it bleeds it leads the news of the earthquake will soon vinish from our screens but the middle east will go on. After Libya who's next?

norfolkluego - 23/2/11 at 10:58 PM

And to be fair the NZ earthquake hasn't exactly been ignored by the press and TV (rightly so), it's just that there are two major news stories running at the same time.

plentywahalla - 23/2/11 at 10:58 PM

Originally posted by TPG
That would be why the latest exploits of the Popstar/Bigbrother/Britains got wanna be's get front page coverage when in vogue then? The point is where are our press going now days.Who decides what's covered or reported?Think of the countryside march,or the current fuel protests.Proper mislead eh?

[Edited on 23/2/11 by TPG]

???? ...... do you use the same scriptwriter as Gaddaffi ?

TPG - 23/2/11 at 11:27 PM

To clear up.What I am very disappointed at is the whole British Press attitude to events and the order in which they are reported.Trouble in other countries has always been there.Somalia for an 'off.The food problems in the rest of Africa.All really really bad.But what we get is "So and so from the latest reality TV show has broken a nail..",and this is then followed by a story of a child fighting cancer.....we really do have our priorities wrong now days
With regards to my opening point.As said by someone.The events in Liyba will have a direct,large knock on to the rest of the world. But where has our press/new reporting compassion gone? In the un westernised world bad things have happened and will continue to do so (Be they wrong or right in our eyes) but have,by and large gone unreported.
Should of put RANT in front of the first post?

Peteff - 24/2/11 at 12:03 AM

Read the BBC site if you want the news in the order you want to see it, it's a day old when the newspapers get to print it. I can't really see the point of your "Rant" I think it's just reporting the Libya situation so we can gloat that Gadaffi is not having the best time of it.

hughpinder - 24/2/11 at 08:13 AM

Dont read the tabloids - you wont be told about all the celebrity crap then....

plentywahalla - 24/2/11 at 08:29 AM

Originally posted by hughpinder
Dont read the tabloids - you wont be told about all the celebrity crap then....

Exactly right! ... Newspapers print what 'their' readers want to read about. Just like the woman in front of me in the queue in Tesco last night. Five different Hello/Chat/OK type mags! If the antics of vacuous siliconed wannabees is what she want to read about, then let her. She probably thinks Lybia are the bits she sits on!

Personally I didn't know that someone has broken a fingernail. My only sources of news are BBC News at 10 and the Sunday Times and they didn't cover it!

vorn - 24/2/11 at 09:31 AM

It's been a shitter of a few days here.

I'm lucky to have no friends or family caught up in it , as they don't work in the city center .

We are luck to be living on the south side of Christchurch and seem to of got away lightly .

All my thoughts go out to the family's with members missing .


TimC - 24/2/11 at 10:02 AM


I think it's so sad. My girlfriend and I were there in December. Of all the places we visited on our travels (3 months, 6 countries,) Christchurch was the one place that we thought, "Yep, I'd be quite happy here."

vorn - 24/2/11 at 10:19 AM

Hi Tim

So you saw the mess from the September 4th quake ??

It's bloody crazy , If I had not seen the news I would not know it was so bad , we only had stuff fall from shelves and 7km down the road (that's how far from town we are !!! ) chaos , death and destruction !!!!

Still hard to believe

TimC - 24/2/11 at 10:54 AM

We did, but were amazed at how succesful the clean-up had been. It almost looked like certain areas were just being redeveloped/regenerated. We were there for a couple of days - saw the bicycle road racing and the Santa parade (although we missed most of it because we were wandering around the beautiful botanic gardens.)

It is absolutely shocking. Over here, the numbers of missing being quoted are 200 + foreign nationals and they think there might be 50-60 Thai/Chinese/Japanese folk trapped under a collapsed english school.

As you say, unbelievable.

adithorp - 24/2/11 at 12:19 PM

I've got a friend who emigrated out there and his Mum is visiting him. I spent as much time at there house as a kid as I did at home. I've had no answer to e-mails and his phone number just gets a recorded message "number not known".

TimC - 25/2/11 at 01:24 PM

Sh** Adi.

I hope you get news soon.

adithorp - 26/2/11 at 09:58 PM

Just like to say a massive thanks to Vorn. He went "above and beyond" to try and check up on my mate, even going around to the last address I had for him and knocked on the door to see if they knew were he was now.

A couple of things made it difficult at this end. That it's school holidays and several people I could check the contact details with are away and either, I can't get in touch with them or they don't have the details with them.

Anyway I did a bit of internet digging today and came up with a work e-mail for him and got an out of office reply that had a mobile number on it. Turns out they're fine and the house OK, but they're staying at a friends where the aftershocks aren't as bad.

adithorp - 27/2/11 at 12:49 PM

Turns out that my mates wife was on the 4th floor of a building on the same block as the TV building thats been demolished. She had to walk past it to get to the emergency assembly point for her building. Scary stuff. My mate on the other hand was away in Wellington and missed it all.