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Who plays golf?
pekwah1 - 8/4/11 at 09:54 PM

I've just gone and got myself a set of clubs after playing my first ever round of pitch and putt last week.
So tonight treated myself on the driving range, sucked massively but was good fun!

Have been watching loads of golf vids since that....

So anyway, how many golfers on here, tips are more than welcome!

mookaloid - 8/4/11 at 10:00 PM

Keep yer head still

pgtips - 8/4/11 at 10:06 PM

Get your self plenty of balls. No not the expensive ones. Get some cheap ones. You can buy lake balls, cheap and not as painful when you loose them.........oh yes you will.

steve m - 9/4/11 at 01:32 AM


Mate, what have you done!

pipe and slippers next

omega0684 - 9/4/11 at 05:16 AM

i started golf lessons was when i was 13 years old, by the time i was 20 i was playing off about a 15 handicap, i haven't played for a while so probably back in the 20's now.

the best piece of advise i can give you is, GET A TEACHER! you will pick up LOTS of bad habits if you don't and you will make no progress with your game, you'll get frustrated and then quit, i've seen it happen to loads of people. if you have a dozen lessons and are up the range twice a week for a few months your get better quickly and you'll enjoy the game much more!



Craigman9 - 9/4/11 at 06:42 AM

I play off a 7 handicap but have recently been a lot more interested In cars than golf. However, I just kept practising over and over until I could hit the ball to a decent standard. After that I got lessons to push me along quicker, golf is a matter of feel though so everyone plays/swings a little different!

stevetzoid - 9/4/11 at 06:49 AM

Hi, Oh dear now you have dun it if you have been bitten by the golf bug!!. I used to play off 7 and my lad played for the County. As the previous contributor wrote, lessons are the way to go but in my opinion everyone has a natural ability level you can quite quickly reach that but to get beyond is where the hard work realy begins. Ask around to find a good teacher like all of life there are good and bad teachers out there some will just keep taking your money. However it is important not to learn bad habbits and don't listen to the proffesional amateur there is nothing worse at the driving range!! you have been warned.

Best Regards Steve Evans.

pekwah1 - 9/4/11 at 07:43 AM

i might get a couple of lessons, but not really doing it to become amazing, just seems like good fun!
and steve, you better watch it mate, aren't you at the pipe and slippers stage already??

omega0684 - 9/4/11 at 07:47 AM

Originally posted by pekwah1
just seems like good fun!

You wait until the frustration kicks in and your throwing golf clubs in the bin because you can't hit a ball in a straight line!

iank - 9/4/11 at 07:51 AM

Triton - 9/4/11 at 07:55 AM

Tried it years ago but seems the golf bats are way too long and all I managed to hit was the ground, boy does that hurt!!

Peteff - 9/4/11 at 07:55 AM

Leave the clubs in the corner handy for the door if anyone upsets you and buy a pair of walking shoes. You can find something better to waste your time and money than golf.

Steve Hignett - 9/4/11 at 07:57 AM


Catatomic - 9/4/11 at 08:04 AM

I go for a few 5 hour walks but the experience is consistently ruined by looking for balls and swearing a lot!

Mark Allanson - 9/4/11 at 08:14 AM

As soon as you get the car finished, you will be out in it every chance you get, the bag of bats will be down the boot sale and your street cred will be restored

stevetzoid - 9/4/11 at 12:50 PM

No Pipe and slippers for me mate, I am off to Brands Hatch next weekend Racing in Locost again!!. How about you Hmmm

Regards Steve Evans.

PS Off to Leicester Speedway Tomorrow, only 28 years from my last visit.

Guinness - 9/4/11 at 01:22 PM

A mate of mine took up golf on his honeymoon.

I rang him up one afternoon when they'd got back and his wife answered the phone.

When I asked where he was, she replied "He's out playing whack bleep "

Apparently she'd renamed golf and summised the whole experience into two words. He takes his shot and then swears loudly. Whether this summed up the remainder of his honeymoon I don't know

(Hope the swear filter works!)

liam.mccaffrey - 10/4/11 at 08:03 PM

I actually really enjoy golf, its the tosser jobsworths at the club who think they own the world I can't tolerate. We went to a charity event at our local club and was reprimanded for sitting at the Captains Table. To be fair there was a sign and a velvet rope cordon

It didn't go down too well though when I asked the waiter (club secretary apparently) when the fish fingers were coming out and what was Captain Birdseyes handicap

We'd had a few, all in the name of charity of course.

baldeagle - 10/4/11 at 08:22 PM

Golf helps my tourettes

austin man - 10/4/11 at 08:25 PM

golf gave me tourettes

daniel mason - 10/4/11 at 08:49 PM

i played for a few years as a junior. i started at christmas when i was 12 and was playing off 12 within 8 months! my dad is a 3 handicapper though which helped!