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JoelP - 17/5/11 at 09:33 PM

Ive just realised, i hate them! Only had it 5 hours, and i despise it. I was told you fell in love and soon couldnt remember how you lived without one.

Whats gone wrong? Just lots of little things that bug me. It keeps loading, even when ive set my homepage elsewhere. I dont want F*all to do it orangeworld! And the email stuff is shite.

Sorry for the rant. Anyone else had bother?

blakep82 - 17/5/11 at 09:38 PM

i'm not with orange, so no. mines awesome

mine does keep resending texts without me knowing, but its unlimited free texts so not a concern really. makes things confusing for my friends though lol

[Edited on 17/5/11 by blakep82]

Benzine - 17/5/11 at 09:39 PM

I can't be doing with smart phone battery life, terrible. I recharge every 4 or 5 days, girlfriend sometimes twice a day. I played with a smart phone a few times and I got annoyed at the virtual keyboard, I kept mashing multiple keys

[Edited on 17/5/11 by Benzine]

McLannahan - 17/5/11 at 09:39 PM

Not a Sony Xperia is it?

AndyW - 17/5/11 at 09:40 PM

Luckily I have a blackberry which I dont consider to be a "smart" phone. However the mrs has an HTC desire thing, touch screen no buttons and it can really pi$$ me off with its "way".

I will stick to a phone thats got buttons.......

Good luck tho' try and get to grips or it will end up in the for sale section......

UncleFista - 17/5/11 at 09:48 PM

Everyone who doesn't get on with virtual keyboards on smartphones needs to try Swype

StevieB - 17/5/11 at 09:55 PM

I'm about to upgrade to iPhone 4, so will probably have several pet hates about it in about a week or so!

indykid - 17/5/11 at 10:01 PM

I avoided touch screen phones for years but I'm really happy with my desire. I can type faster on the qwerty than I could on my n85.

Yes, the battery life is pretty rubbish (I just about get 2 days now the battery's run in) but it goes to bed with me every night so it gets stuck on charge. I charged my n85 about every 5 days, but that ran out of charge on me more often than my desire has.

I don't use many of the bells and whistles, but as a phone, I find it's really good.

clairetoo - 17/5/11 at 10:15 PM

Originally posted by indykid
it goes to bed with me every night so it gets stuck on charge.

Where do you plug it in

Confused but excited. - 17/5/11 at 11:02 PM

Got a Nokia X6 and it does my head in.
The detector that stops you pressing keys with your face, doesn't.
Changing to a Blackberry real soon.
Only thing that I like about the X6 is the alarm. I love that. It's soooo gentle. Doesn't try to give me another heart attack when it goes off.

[Edited on 17/5/11 by Confused but excited.]

Steve Hignett - 17/5/11 at 11:17 PM

Originally posted by clairetoo
Originally posted by indykid
it goes to bed with me every night so it gets stuck on charge.

Where do you plug it in

Your mind's in the gutter ain't it...

I like my HTC Hero (even though it's a little out of date nowadays), and when the contract is up in November, I will be going for the HTC Desire... (or newer HTC)

UncleFista - 17/5/11 at 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
Got a Nokia X6 and it does my head in.
The detector that stops you pressing keys with your face, doesn't.
Changing to a Blackberry real soon.
Only thing that I like about the X6 is the alarm. I love that. It's soooo gentle. Doesn't try to give me another heart attack when it goes off.

[Edited on 17/5/11 by Confused but excited.]

I dunno whether it's available on a Blackberry, but "gentle alarm" app is excellent

v8kid - 18/5/11 at 02:05 AM

Just get an iPhone and your problems will be over


probablyleon - 18/5/11 at 05:26 AM

I agree... Had an HTC Desire for a couple of weeks, it irritated the crap out of me. I was all about to revert to a regular phone but was talked into trying an iPhone 4... Problem(s) solved. I've read all the anti Apple propaganda (got friends who write some of it) and there's a part of me that would love to hate the iPhone but, in this market, they have the best product by a mile.

jabs - 18/5/11 at 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Benzine
I recharge every 4 or 5 days, girlfriend sometimes twice a day.

You recharge your girlfriend twice a day ???

liam.mccaffrey - 18/5/11 at 07:15 AM

I have an HTC desire and its the right device for me. Iphone is slick, very slick but it has some problems which I couldn't live with. For example, being forced to use Itunes which I hate and the COST, plus the fact that if you break your screen it isn't covered by their insurance. I don't need any other software to use my desire with my PC. In fact I don't need a PC at all really.

I'm not anti-apple, If I thought they had a better product I would get one. Apple got a big head start, they were the first and got the big market share. The playing field will be levelled out over time just as it did with the browser wars, IE, netscape FF etc

Plus, after moving from an IPOD touch to Android I have been astounded by the range of free app available!!

My 2p

Ninehigh - 18/5/11 at 07:20 AM

Originally posted by v8kid
Just get an iPhone and your problems will be over


Yeah nothing will work and if you have any sense you'll bin it, no phone no problems!

From the person yet to find an iphone owner who can say it does everything they want it to and it works perfectly

wescottishmatt - 18/5/11 at 07:20 AM

Iphone 4 all the way. Recently upgraded from a 3GS version and the battery life is much better on the 4.

Wouldn't go back. I'm a convert of the 'smartphone'

FASTdan - 18/5/11 at 07:29 AM

I have a HTC desire and its great. I do a lot of emailing off it, typing is good on the keyboard - compared to a blackberry (my other half has one) with its microscopic keys there is simply no comparison. Using the HTC horizontally you can get a good typing pace on.

I suspect the android apps are a bit behind Apple (eg functionality of ebay and paypal apps that I use a lot) but I'm with the anti-Apple crew.

MikeRJ - 18/5/11 at 08:33 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
Ive just realised, i hate them! Only had it 5 hours, and i despise it. I was told you fell in love and soon couldnt remember how you lived without one.

Whats gone wrong? Just lots of little things that bug me. It keeps loading, even when ive set my homepage elsewhere. I dont want F*all to do it orangeworld! And the email stuff is shite.

Sorry for the rant. Anyone else had bother?

What phone have you got? If possible, you really need to remove the crappy Orange branding to use it to it's full potential. I have an Orange San Francisco (AKA ZTE Blade) and it's a great little phone now it's been rooted and later version of Android loaded. I only enable 3G if I want to use it, I've no real need for push email so I get about 4 days use between charges.

My one single complaint is that coming from an iPhone (2G), I find the virtual keyboard a bit too small for my fat fingers. I could type on my iPhone almost as fast as I could on a proper keyboard.

v8kid - 18/5/11 at 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by v8kid
Just get an iPhone and your problems will be over


Yeah nothing will work and if you have any sense you'll bin it, no phone no problems!

From the person yet to find an iphone owner who can say it does everything they want it to and it works perfectly

Yuh all just found him Nine!

Jasper - 18/5/11 at 09:43 AM

As others have said, not all smart phones are the same by a LONG way. Try all the rest then try an iPhone.

I'm certainly with others on the hating iTunes, but I rarely have to mess around with that to be honest. I only plug it in occasionally to check for updates and back up.

The thing with the iPhone is that it just works out the box and is incredibly simple to set up and use, unlike a lot of other smart phones.

Jasper - 18/5/11 at 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by v8kid
Just get an iPhone and your problems will be over


Yeah nothing will work and if you have any sense you'll bin it, no phone no problems!

From the person yet to find an iphone owner who can say it does everything they want it to and it works perfectly

Yeah, another one here, never gone wrong, never not done what I want it to do and continues to surprise me with new and useful features.

handyandy - 18/5/11 at 10:25 AM

I wouldn,t be without my Smartphone now, went from a basic old style cheapo phone to a Blackberry, hated it within an hour of getting it, quickly ( same day ) changed to a Samsumg Galaxy S, wow what a phone that is.

Once I got over the intial "play peroid" I,ve found the battery lasts about 2 days, Swype function is amazing & the speed of connection to the internet is great...wouldn,t be without it now.

As others have said, get your phone to run as you want it & I,m sure you,ll start enjoying it.


blakep82 - 18/5/11 at 10:34 AM

android is the way forward. works the same as iphone, as far as i can tell, almost exactly the same, but without having to do everything through itunes, which is great
itunes pisses me off. so does apple really. its all hype, over another product which isn't really any better than the others.

my dad had his ipod stolen (he's got 3?! wtf?) and his nokia mobile phone gets a terrible signal in the house. my mum told him his ONLY option is to get another ipod AND an iphone! wtf?
people just blindly get iphones without seeing there's better out there. and there is! Android

very soon there will be more apps for android then there is for iphone, they're quicker to come out for android because they don't have to go through apple to be approved, they can just be released. no itunes nonsense. and the actual running of it, going through music files in the media player, selecting photos, pinch to zoom, menu layouts, the keyboard for typing etc, all exatly the same

UncleFista - 18/5/11 at 10:51 AM

My Desire HD is cheaper and better than an iphone (flash, no itunes, bluetooth works) and it saves me so much time 'cos I don't have to tell everyone I meet that I have an iphone

blakep82 - 18/5/11 at 11:02 AM

i went into the phone shop at upgrade time a few months ago, with the intention of getting the iphone 4 to see what all the fuss was, but no way was i going to pay the £200 they wanted. went in, the guy said, unless you really really really want an iphone, don't get one, the htc desire hd is better and yours for free.
and as said, i can bluetooth photos to friends!

ooh and if you don't like the qwerty keyboard, you CAN change to a normal phone number pad (pressing keys up to 4 times to get the letter you want etc)

[Edited on 18/5/11 by blakep82]

tony-devon - 18/5/11 at 11:04 AM

samsung galaxy S, every test and comparison I have done with mates iphones, only 2 areas of comparison did the galaxy S not quite match up, on the screen brightness, highest setting, the iphone was a tiny bit brighter, but who runs them at full brightness anyway, and the galaxy s doesnt have a flash for the camera

other than that, the galaxy rocks, very fast connection to the net, huge selection of android apps, I download free music, average song comes down in about 8-10 seconds I guess.

theres a few apps for SMS etc that are worth downloading that are better than the supplied software, but just personal choice

britishtrident - 18/5/11 at 11:38 AM

Mini-0pera is the tool for browsing not Orange world.

40inches - 18/5/11 at 11:53 AM

On my second HTC Android phone, don't know how I managed with my previous Nokia N thingy.
Have got an upgrade due in June and as it happened my wife is doing a comparison between Apple, Blackberry, Android and Windows Phone 7 (She gets paid for doing it) and I am very much liking the look of the Windows phones, she finishes on Saturday so I will make my mind up then, wifey has already made her mind up, Windows Phone for her.

JoelP - 18/5/11 at 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Jasper
As others have said, not all smart phones are the same by a LONG way. Try all the rest then try an iPhone.

I'm certainly with others on the hating iTunes, but I rarely have to mess around with that to be honest. I only plug it in occasionally to check for updates and back up.

The thing with the iPhone is that it just works out the box and is incredibly simple to set up and use, unlike a lot of other smart phones.

Think you have a point there. There seems to be a bit of messing about setting it up, and they do say that the iphone works straight out of the box. Youd expect that i suppose since everything on the iphone is from the one company. However, there are a lot of down sides to the iphone, not least the price. I got the htc desire s, and if you assume that a mobile contract is going to cost a tenner a month whatever you get, then the phone has only cost me £200 extra over the contract (£440 all in). The iphone4 is i believe £35 ovr 24 months so costs £600 ontop of your basic £10 a month contract, or £840 all in. £400 pounds extra!

What is bugging me is the following, all minor things that i can sort but it takes time to work out and tackle each:

emails arrive into two seperate locations and need deleting from both
it has content control on locostbuilders!
You close the internet browser but its not really closed. I like it as it is on a computer, you close it and its gone.
Keyboard is great but id like proper arrow keys to move the cursor.
So much junk preloaded to remove.
Ive got rid of orangeworld now (except content control takes me there too )
no instructions with the phone, just a quick start guide.

Anyway, its growing on me. I cant believe how stressed it made me yesterday!

britishtrident - 18/5/11 at 12:48 PM

To get rid of content blocking you need to call 450 and get Orange to turn Orange Safe Guard Off

FASTdan - 18/5/11 at 01:05 PM

I can't believe people are still buying iphones given the ridiculous price

David Jenkins - 18/5/11 at 01:47 PM

I'm the same - I think the iPhone (and iPad) are very clever machines, but I'm not prepared to pay the high premium for owning them. I am also uncomfortable with Apple's way of business and their view of customer relations.