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watch those curbs there very dangerous!
nib1980 - 18/5/11 at 11:47 AM

nick205 - 18/5/11 at 11:53 AM


Daddylonglegs - 18/5/11 at 11:54 AM

Absolute classic! There is a God after all

jabbahutt - 18/5/11 at 12:03 PM

fantastic, just hope he doesn't sue the authorities for the dangerous kerb

Guinness - 18/5/11 at 12:09 PM

JoelP - 18/5/11 at 12:18 PM

thats very funny

adithorp - 18/5/11 at 12:23 PM

Brilliant! I bet the stores CCTV was "faulty" that day.

Steve Hignett - 18/5/11 at 01:22 PM

Genuine LOL at that...

clairetoo - 18/5/11 at 01:46 PM I've got coffee all over my phone........

AndyW - 18/5/11 at 01:56 PM

Now that is good. But how said is it, that if it had happened here, the "victim" would be the robber. Council sued for the kerb. Store owner sued for not giving away free laptops. And the police investigated, well just to waste some more tax payers money in legal fee's.

Anyway, despite my optimism, a very good story.

blakep82 - 18/5/11 at 02:41 PM

Originally posted by AndyW
Now that is good. But how said is it, that if it had happened here, the "victim" would be the robber. Council sued for the kerb. Store owner sued for not giving away free laptops. And the police investigated, well just to waste some more tax payers money in legal fee's.

Anyway, despite my optimism, a very good story.

no, but its america (i think?), they invented the lawsuit culture!

big_wasa - 18/5/11 at 02:46 PM

I love that but you wouldnt see it over here.

David Jenkins - 18/5/11 at 02:56 PM

Originally posted by big_wasa
I love that but you wouldnt see it over here.

I don't know - I could imagine it happening somewhere like Catterick in Yorkshire, near the army camp - but the excuse might be "there was a bit of a struggle when we tried to get the knife off him... we had to relieve him of it for his own good... he might have hurt himself with it..."

As for the original story - a classic case of Darwinism! Who in his right mind is going to stab a marine when 3 others are standing by? They should have him for attempted suicide!

MikeRJ - 18/5/11 at 04:07 PM

Snopes says the event did happen, but not the unfortunate 'kerb' related injuries.

russbost - 18/5/11 at 04:39 PM

Brought a genuine smile to my face - just occasionaly justice is done!

dhutch - 18/5/11 at 05:40 PM


sprouts-car - 18/5/11 at 05:47 PM

That's the funniest thing I've seen in a while! Everyone at work loved it

focijohn - 18/5/11 at 05:57 PM

Thats not a curb...thats called the 3rd story.
Even SWMBO laughed.

Confused but excited. - 18/5/11 at 06:08 PM

Who says there ain't no justice?
And, like the marines, he was a volunteer, so can't complain.