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Department Presentation
liam.mccaffrey - 27/9/11 at 05:40 AM

on Friday I have to give a 10min presentation about my department to the rest of the company and typically my mind is a blank. I have fairly recently joined and its my first gig looking after a dept or people.

I'm thinking somthing along the lines of

Introduce myself and give a brief work background
Outline what services we provide
Talk about some new services we have started to provide
Talk about our client base.
Look at how our year to date sales compare with previous years

Anything else anyonecan think of?

snapper - 27/9/11 at 06:15 AM

Get your co workers involved, if you have recently joint they know more of the detail than you do.

Ninehigh - 27/9/11 at 06:29 AM

Originally posted by snapper
Get your co workers involved, if you have recently joint they know more of the detail than you do.

Second. Never been on your side but it's kinda insulting when a new manager comes in and acts like he knows everything (then proceeds to talk bobbins!) not that you're that kind of course

Just don't leave the floor open for them!

David Jenkins - 27/9/11 at 06:37 AM

Talk about future plans - not what you're about to provide, but what you'd like to provide in the future and how you plan to get there.

HowardB - 27/9/11 at 06:38 AM


mcerd1 - 27/9/11 at 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Ninehigh's kinda insulting when a new manager comes in and acts like he knows everything (then proceeds to talk bobbins!)

dealing with one of them at the moment
he's been here 6 months and is already hated by nearly everyone

vinny1275 - 27/9/11 at 07:21 AM

Try and add in something memorable, but not too gimmicky - do a q & a with sweets for people who ask questions or something....

bowood14 - 27/9/11 at 08:22 AM

Make sure you really know what your talking about not just waffle

bobinspain - 27/9/11 at 08:44 AM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
on Friday I have to give a 10min presentation about my department to the rest of the company and typically my mind is a blank. I have fairly recently joined and its my first gig looking after a dept or people.

I'm thinking somthing along the lines of

Introduce myself and give a brief work background
Outline what services we provide
Talk about some new services we have started to provide
Talk about our client base.
Look at how our year to date sales compare with previous years

Anything else anyonecan think of?

How you say it is as important as what you say. The generally accepted ratio between prep' and presentation is 10:1. ie, 10 mins prep' for a minute of presentation. I've given presentations at the Savoy in London to 100 solicitors and accountants (on Inheritance Tax Planning) and believe me when I say the ratio changes to nearer 50:1 when the pressure's on.

As a template for your format, I find an old tried and tested route effective. Use the nemonic INTROSH.

I. Interest. Gain the audience's interest, (what's in it for them).
2. Need. What have they to lose by not listening to you?
3. Title (of your presentation) Unveil it with a flourish.
4. Revision of past presentations and content. (not applicable for a 'one-off.'
5. Objectives. What do you want them to walk out of the room remembering? (objectives should be verifyable and testable).
6. Scope of the presentation. Depth and width of the content and timing of the presentation. Questions after/during presentation. Make it clear.
7. Handout. If you've prepared something for them to take away.

Not every heading is appropriate for every circumstance. You can obviously beef up some aspects at the cost of others. However, as an all-purpose memory-jogger, INTROSH works.

Good Luck with your presentation.

ps I gave a similar presentation to a similar audience at Essex cricket club. It can always be risky if you start with a joke. I got away with it 15 yrs ago because of the trophied, cricket memorabilia-laden surroundings.--------"I've heard a leading Indian restaurant in Headingly, has named a curry after Geoffrey Boycott.------------------ You still get the runs, they just come a lot more slowly."

[Edited on 27/9/11 by bobinspain]

liam.mccaffrey - 27/9/11 at 11:33 AM

Thanks for the input guys, ill let you know how it goes

edsco - 27/9/11 at 11:49 AM

Try get group interaction going on.... don't confess to knowing everything, be yourself and personal-able. Typically bringing in fresh blood the co. is looking for fresh approach new thinking etc. Hopefully you can draw on past experience to weigh up the situation, so look to getting input from others (good or bad feedback) its all good as to where they see the future plans should be heading for the co.

If the presentation is simply to say hello....then do just that. The group sessions can wait till another day, but look to being proactive and suggest such a session in the near future. Shows structure and direction from from the individual.

Look at the session as if....if i was to be sat here listening to this newbie, what would i expect them to say. Behaviour is very important esp as first impressions mean a lot. Be the person who is going to lead the dept and instil a sense of integrity....

Slightly off course to the other comments here, but as its the first session to introduce, content i don't feel at this stage is most important. Its how you relate to others. After all, its you who is going to be in charge of the gang!!

RK - 27/9/11 at 12:45 PM

Always remember WIFM: what's in it for me.