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Locostbuilders challenge - beer is at stake!
Dangle_kt - 18/2/12 at 01:07 PM

Moved to a house near a canal - great pub on the other side of it, but no footpath on our side, and no bridge.

To walk to it on foot takes about 25-30 mins as I have to go right round the houses, if I could cross the canal it would take about 5 minutes.

I was thinking an extendable ladder hid in the bushes, or small dingy, or even really big chest waders...

So, with all you practical engineering types I'm after your ideas on how to cross the canal (and cross back) for me and my mate.

Stupid ideas are also fine!

wylliezx9r - 18/2/12 at 01:12 PM


Rek - 18/2/12 at 01:13 PM

You can cross up to 20 metres with a pole.. if you got good at it there's championships in holland... strangely called canal jumping but its a bit like pole vault..

[Edited on 18/2/12 by Rek]

Thinking about it - 18/2/12 at 01:16 PM

Buy the pub.

Rent the house out.

Provide tennant with a boat to visit the pub.

steve m - 18/2/12 at 01:16 PM

"You can cross up to 20 metres with a pole.. if you got good at it there's championships in holland... strangely called canal jumping but its a bit like pole vault.. "

And on the way home?
pissed as a newt, in a boat, or swinging on a pole ?

mmm, not sure

minitici - 18/2/12 at 01:19 PM

matt_gsxr - 18/2/12 at 01:33 PM

stilts, expect to get wet on the way back.

Actually skim boarding. What could go wrong?

[Edited on 18/2/12 by matt_gsxr]

Hellfire - 18/2/12 at 01:42 PM

Build a bridge.......

flibble - 18/2/12 at 01:49 PM


dave - 18/2/12 at 01:53 PM

Slingshot on both sides

bobinspain - 18/2/12 at 02:33 PM

No need to cross over.
Just buy some very long straws.

Andi - 18/2/12 at 03:09 PM

Couple of oil drums under a pallet, then either a pole, paddles or a rope pulley system.
Cheapness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

theprisioner - 18/2/12 at 03:20 PM

Drain the canal and fill it in where you want to cross, simple!

Benzine - 18/2/12 at 03:36 PM

HUGE quantity of cornflower so you can walk on it

Liquid nitrogen to freeze the water

Dangle_kt - 18/2/12 at 03:51 PM

to help your thinking...,+Lancashire+L40+5BL,+UK&daddr=Wheat+Lane,+Lathom,+Ormskirk,+Lancashire+L40+4BX+(The+Ship+Inn)&hl =en&sll=53.54602,-2.830353&sspn=0.34067,0.891953&geocode=FXDZMQMdgLXU_ym7Bz1plBZ7SDHuMXOtB5QH0g%3BFTzVMQMdVNLU_yGbkLUT2dBwVw&mra=atm&a mp;dirflg=w&t=h&z=17

Any sensible ideas also welcome. My pintage relies on YOU!

[Edited on 18/2/12 by Dangle_kt]

[Edited on 18/2/12 by Dangle_kt]

JoelP - 18/2/12 at 03:51 PM

this was my attempt to cross a canal!

perksy - 18/2/12 at 04:17 PM

Tightrope ?

Small inflatable dinghy's got to be worth a thought though
or how about a coracle ?

JC - 18/2/12 at 04:29 PM

A whole bundle of crocodiles.........just like 007!

Peteff - 18/2/12 at 04:55 PM

Build a ramp either side so you can jump it on a mountain bike.

sdh2903 - 18/2/12 at 05:08 PM

Bit left field I know.... But just walk round? Jog even, burn the pint off before you even get it

owelly - 18/2/12 at 05:18 PM

Dry suit. I used to go for a dive to 30+metres, then step out of my boat, out of my drysuit, and into the pub. It would have looked cool if I was in a full dinner suit, instead of a fleece romper suit stinking of baby powder.

big_l - 18/2/12 at 06:07 PM

Surely there's a bridge where the railway goes over doesn't look to far away an spend spare money on more beer ))

Dangle_kt - 18/2/12 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by big_l
Surely there's a bridge where the railway goes over doesn't look to far away an spend spare money on more beer ))

no way of getting to it my side, there is no footpath

Dave Ashurst - 18/2/12 at 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Build a bridge.......

^^ Build a bridge...

Dave Ashurst - 18/2/12 at 07:13 PM

OK forget building a bridge; there's a (partly) unused one just where you want it.

I see the railway bridge has two parallel decks but only one track and the unused deck is on your side.

IF you could persuade the railway co. (rather unlikely tbh) to create a safe public walking route up the embankment and over the bridge then you'd have a footbridge and a short cut. NR will be reluctant to create a public right of way due to cost of installation, cost of maintenance, public liability issues and in case they ever want to put another track on the bridge in future.
Might be technically possible though. Local authority might be prepared to sign up to something.

You'd have to make your case and lobby, get support from the pub and local council behind you.. you never know, you might achieve it!


scudderfish - 18/2/12 at 07:14 PM

mad4x4 - 18/2/12 at 07:31 PM

What about back filling the Canal with Gelatin so it turns to jelly.

Drive big piles into mud and use them like stepping stones.

Hellfire - 18/2/12 at 07:34 PM

How wide is the canal?


omega 24 v6 - 18/2/12 at 07:35 PM

Build an a frame with a rope and swing across tarzaneee style lol

locost47 - 18/2/12 at 07:37 PM

go up to car park next to railway shimmy along rail bridge job done

Ninehigh - 18/2/12 at 07:37 PM

Small dinghy!

jacko - 18/2/12 at 07:43 PM

Drive to the pub
get the wife to drive home

If you can wait until August i will park the narrow boat i will be on across the canal

jase380 - 18/2/12 at 07:43 PM

A couple of these should do the trick.... let me know if you get one i'll come over to watch the maiden flight.

[Edited on 18/2/12 by jase380]

Slater - 18/2/12 at 08:05 PM

This system seems to work, even with a river much wider than your canal, plus you can take your motorbike should you feel the need.

Youtuber Linker

monck - 18/2/12 at 09:07 PM


Certainly be quick

T66 - 18/2/12 at 09:28 PM


By far the best way to travel over canals

MikeR - 18/2/12 at 09:47 PM

Coracles are quite easy to make and lightweight - you're a locoster ......

Could you not call a taxi?

When i did my 'A' levels i made a pair of water shoes using cut up inner tube to secure 2l bottles to two planks ............ unfortunately due to green alge we got banned from trying them out.

dlatch - 18/2/12 at 10:08 PM

human catapult.........

Jon Ison - 18/2/12 at 10:09 PM

Tunnel or a lesson from dynamo ?

Eta hovercraft.

[Edited on 18/2/12 by Jon Ison]

MikeR - 18/2/12 at 10:18 PM

Canal barge - although I believe you can be done for being drunk in charge of one (also means you've got somewhere to sleep when the misses kicks you out for being too drunk!)

jacko - 19/2/12 at 05:45 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Canal barge - although I believe you can be done for being drunk in charge of one (also means you've got somewhere to sleep when the misses kicks you out for being too drunk!)

I believe you can be done for being drunk in charge of one
I hope not i think the [ Water Police ] just tell you to tie up and sober up please

Furyous - 20/2/12 at 06:35 AM

Walk across on all the discarded shopping trolleys.