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OT - Fitting Restraining Straps (roof)
Arnie - 17/8/12 at 07:59 PM

Currently building my garage.

At the stage to put on the roof. There is a need to fit restraining straps to ensure the roof stays on in high winds. These fit on the top of the wall plate and are secured to the wall. I would like to fit them on the outside of the garage before it is rendered so that they cannot be seen. Any pictures etc. that I have seen show them fitted on the inside but do not look right.

Is there any problem in fitting them to the outside rather than the inside. Hope this makes sense.

Thanks for any help you can offer.



fishywick - 17/8/12 at 09:28 PM

If it's a single leaf wall, no problem, except the strap may rust in time despite being galvanised.

If it's cavity the strap can be fixed to the inner leaf before the outer is built up, provided Building Control can see it.

The wall plate is normally bedded onto the inner leaf of bricks/blocks. If it's cavity and you want to fix the straps to the outer leaf that will cause problems a) the rafter angle b) the horizontal section of the strap is usually only 100mm ish.

It's a garage, does it matter?

Arnie - 18/8/12 at 06:35 PM

Thanks Fishywick for reply much appreciated.

