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Jeremy dribbling clarkson
John Davis - 18/9/04 at 08:58 PM

Whats the matter with the bloke.
Noble M400 wipes the floor and all he can say is "well you know its fast you cant really fault it blah blah blah" then says but being an ex kit car he wouldnt buy it.
But dosnt give a good reason why.
At the end of the day hes all mouth and no trousers, he slates motor cycles off because he's not got the balls to ride one. And only drives fast if the BBC are paying for it.
Sorry hes starting to get on my tits now
Anyone else

Viper - 18/9/04 at 09:06 PM

bloke got on my tits years ago, total tosser in my opinion

Cita - 18/9/04 at 09:15 PM

Being an ex kitcar????What's that supposed to mean?
It's a kitcar or it is not IMHO!!

Hellfire - 18/9/04 at 09:34 PM

So are TVR, so are Morgan... he's only interested if it's cost's lots of money!!!

Don't you get it?

dave1888 - 18/9/04 at 09:47 PM

Complete ARSE always has been always will be. Whats the name of the smarmy basdurd that was on the programme a few years back

[Edited on 18/9/2004 by dave1888]

Peteff - 18/9/04 at 10:13 PM

It's our licence fee that keeps him in luxury cars I watched 5 hours of broadcast television last week and it's losing its appeal more and more rapidly. I've just paid the licence fee last month as well. Get onto the bbc website and tell them what a load of shite they are broadcasting, I have.

Tblue - 18/9/04 at 10:57 PM

Originally posted by dave1888
Whats the name of the smarmy basdurd that was on the programme a few years back

[Edited on 18/9/2004 by dave1888]

Who? Quentin Wilson?

Where's William Woodard?

spunky - 19/9/04 at 08:39 AM

His presenting style is to provoke... Seems to be working I think.

'Ex kit car' That would include the Elise and Exige also i suppose.

Skirrow - 19/9/04 at 01:38 PM

Well, despise the ex-kitcar comment, and at the risk of getting slated.....

I quite like him....

*cowers in a ball from torrent of abuse.*

He is a tosser but I think he is funny, at least while he is only on my television. Don't think I could spend a night in the pub with him mind.

Yes, he gives out a load of abuse but he can also take it.

Peteff - 19/9/04 at 01:45 PM

Let's challenge him and his mates to a fight. We'll sort him out, I'll take that Hammond bloke. Edit :- He is only 5' 4" isn't he? Just checking.

[Edited on 19/9/04 by Peteff]

dave1888 - 19/9/04 at 02:07 PM

Thats the man Quintintin wilson what a smug little bas-turd.

marktigere1 - 20/9/04 at 09:48 AM

Isn't a Cater*am a kit car Mr Clarkson?

I had a rant about him on another thread.

Love the Exige on the show last night!



ayoungman - 20/9/04 at 01:08 PM

Hammond is just a very clever piece of electronic computer generated graphical trickery. They couldn't get anyone else who could put up with Arseson, sorry , Clarkson, so they ad to invent someone.

ned - 20/9/04 at 02:35 PM

for your info and curiousity i spoke to clarkson once at the filming of top gear and he told me how his wife built a cateringvan..


ayoungman - 21/9/04 at 10:16 AM

Does the BBC pay so badly that Clarkson's wife has to go out selling hotdogs and Hamburgers ???? Beggars belief don't it ?

John Davis - 21/9/04 at 08:29 PM

Anyone with a king affro like that shouldnt be in a kit car anyway, give us all a bad name.
No wonder he drives a merc hairdressers car.
Pity hes never visited the barbers.
Jeremy dribbling clarkes shoes.

stephen_gusterson - 21/9/04 at 09:36 PM

i recently read a book that was a collection of articles that clarkson writes for one of the sunday papers.

each one is about 3 pages long. there are about 100+ in total. And not a single one is about cars.

Basically about his life and his take on things. I found it very amusing - especially when he bought a russian night sight, and shot david beckham dead.

'a murderous fox has made me shoot david beckham'

david beckham was one of his chickens that were being killed by foxes. He couldnt tell the difference between a fox or chicken and blasted beckham instead.



[Edited on 21/9/04 by stephen_gusterson]

James - 22/9/04 at 08:43 AM


That's the Sunday Times ones right?

I read them most Sundays- think they're great! I usually enjoy his article in the driving section too.
Saw him on BBC2's 'Grumpy Old Men' alongside his Sunday Times colleague AA Gill. They were both clearly pissed as farts and it was most amusing!

Generally agree with what he says actually and really enjoy his 'excited kid' presenting style.

And he can't be that arrogant- overtook him in Guildford the other day and he waved back when I waved at him.


P.S. And no, I don't fancy him before anyone suggest it!

stephen_gusterson - 22/9/04 at 08:50 AM

dont remember the paper - but you are likely right James.

I very rarely buy any newspapers.

The articles are diverse and generally have a 'moral' or crunch at the end of the article.



phelpsa - 22/9/04 at 08:56 AM

Someone ought to send this thread to Top Gear, maybe he would read it out then.


ayoungman - 22/9/04 at 05:44 PM

I must say,.. it must be something about getting older, Clarkson does seem to be on the right track when it comes to most subjects. I do find myself agreeing with him more often, Given the opportunity, he would re-invent the empire, bally well tell the yanks to feck off and install himself as prime minister