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New Camera
AndyW - 31/7/13 at 07:28 PM

Finally got round to getting rid of my old compact and got a new bridge camera, not even started to work the manual functions yet but been playing around this evening when I heard a helicopter buzzing around.

This is with standard settings, no zoom just taken looking out of my door.

Then I tried to use the zoom and image stabilizer and got these. Same shot pretty much just with some zoom. Not brill but better than my old compact.

When I then zoom in on my pc you can see the guy sitting in the back with his goggles on!!

I am quite pleased with the results. Going to study the manual now and play with shutter, iso and all the other controllable features. Never been a keen photographer but seeing some of the results this can achieve I might just get a bit more involved!

Pics of a kit car next lol...

trikerneil - 31/7/13 at 07:55 PM


What camera is that?


coyoteboy - 31/7/13 at 08:05 PM

First shot has focused on the door rather than the chopper, easy to mis-hit on the AF.

The latter photos look like some serious zoom, is that all optical or partially digital?!

I've never been an arty type but when I got a DSLR I found playing with settings and the technical side of photography was really pleasing and developed rather quickly. It's an expensive hobby!

[Edited on 31/7/13 by coyoteboy]

gingerprince - 31/7/13 at 08:28 PM

The time stamps on the photos imply you took the zoom pictures before the wide angle

whitestu - 31/7/13 at 09:01 PM

I've got a fuji bridge which has the equivalent of a 720mm zoom. It'll never match an SLR but for my purposes it is ace.

ReMan - 31/7/13 at 09:15 PM

Fuji at a guess?

AndyW - 31/7/13 at 09:19 PM

Originally posted by gingerprince
The time stamps on the photos imply you took the zoom pictures before the wide angle

I took loads and not in the order shown, they were just the better few. I also agree, now looking at it the first did focus on the door. Beginners mistake!!!

As for the camera its a Fujifilm Finepix S4200 and apparently it's 24x optical zoom focal length is 4.3-103.2mm or 24-576mm in 35mm terms.

So far I have been impressed at some of the very good quality pics it has taken. I agree it's never going to be as good as a DSLR, but I didn't want to spend loads. I got the camera, 16gb memory card, case rechargeable batts and charger £125 which I don't think is too shabby.

I zoomed in on the pc and you can actually see mr copper in the back looking down!! A bit geeky but I well chuffed, standing in the door way looking up. If tripod mounted could be even clearer!


[Edited on 31/7/13 by AndyW]

T66 - 31/7/13 at 09:53 PM

Thats very good quality on zoom, impressed....

snapper - 1/8/13 at 04:36 AM

Rule of thumb for hand held with long lense
Shutter speed = focal length i.e. 300mm lens 1/300th shutter speed
You will probably need to use 35mm camera focal length equivelant
Vibration reduction can drop this rule by 2 factors
To get movement blur in the helo rotors needs a slow shutter speed usual 1/60 or less

I'm just showing off here

T66 - 1/8/13 at 05:40 AM

Fuji 12mp camera, Newcastle city centre at 0320am at 800' and 120kts. No flash (blinded pilots crash) - on a lumpy night. Just as the shutter pinged the aircraft got a gust.

I like it/.....

[Edited on 1/8/13 by T66]

T66 - 1/8/13 at 05:50 AM

Just found this one, grotty night in Newcastle - low cloud / rain - growing the grass under UV light at St James Park overnight. Looks a bit weird...

Fuji 12mp set to auto. Dont have a great techy knowledge of cameras, my theory is set it to auto and take stacks.

scudderfish - 1/8/13 at 06:56 AM

I recently got a Nikon P510 bridge camera with 42x optical zoom and it's insane I was at the Olympic stadium at the weekend and spotted someone on the roof beneath the centre lighting triangle

And here she is at full optical zoom

T66 - 1/8/13 at 07:38 AM

What sort of distance would you guess that is ?

Having a read about the 510 now, I think we need a new job camera. We are still swapping lenses to increase zoom, and lose any quality with aircraft shake. For £330 thats a bargain...

[Edited on 1/8/13 by T66]

scudderfish - 1/8/13 at 07:52 AM

It was about 170m according to the measuring tool on Google Maps. You can see most of the photos I took here

T66 - 1/8/13 at 07:56 AM

Originally posted by scudderfish
It was about 170m according to the measuring tool on Google Maps. You can see most of the photos I took here

I've not needed to look at still camera technology for a while, but it's all clearly got even better.

loggyboy - 1/8/13 at 08:19 AM

How was the wide angle one created?

AndyW - 1/8/13 at 09:10 AM

Originally posted by loggyboy
How was the wide angle one created?

which one?

im confussed as to which pictures we are on about lolz

Furyous - 1/8/13 at 08:03 PM

This is one I took playing with my Sigma 50-500mm.

First shot is at 24mm. Second is the full shot at 500mm, and the third is a 100% crop at 500mm. The distance was about 400m. Aside from the lens being a little soft, at this distance you get atmospheric distortion so it won't be completely crisp.

loggyboy - 1/8/13 at 08:33 PM

Originally posted by AndyW
Originally posted by loggyboy
How was the wide angle one created?

which one?

im confussed as to which pictures we are on about lolz

Sorry, meant on scudderfishes album. Of the whole stadium.

scudderfish - 1/8/13 at 08:57 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Originally posted by AndyW
Originally posted by loggyboy
How was the wide angle one created?

which one?

im confussed as to which pictures we are on about lolz

Sorry, meant on scudderfishes album. Of the whole stadium.

That's just the panorama mode on the camera. Look left, press the button, and slowly rotate to the right. The camera takes photos as you turn and then stitches them all together into one image.

I did this one with my Android phone which has a degree of Google witchcraft involved :-