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Spiders in the bath
mookaloid - 6/10/14 at 07:50 PM

Mrs Mooky is scared stiff of spiders.

These big ones that we are hearing about keep appearing in the bath and I can't understand how they are getting in.

Mrs Mooky says the come up the plug hole (I know that this isn't possible by the way)

So how do they get in? I have all new windows and doors in the house and the place is pretty air tight.

Mrs M wants me to set up some cctv to spot how they get in but I don't think a spider would trip the movement sensor.

I don't know what to do.

Any suggestions?

Cheers M

blakep82 - 6/10/14 at 07:59 PM

Walk anong ceiling/wall and fall in I guess.
As for getting in the house, in through air bricks, under the floor, up through tiny gaps in the backs of cupboards, in when doors are open, so many options

McLannahan - 6/10/14 at 08:00 PM

One of those hair trap filters over the plug hole?

coozer - 6/10/14 at 08:01 PM

They don't come out the plug hole! They hate water...

They drop from the ceiling and due to the bath being smooth they can't get out, tell her they love her and eat all the little stuff crawling all over. You need some in your mattress to chump all the crawling things in there :-)

kj - 6/10/14 at 08:02 PM

Put a pine cone near the window or just squash them =-O

ReMan - 6/10/14 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by kj
Put a pine cone near the window or just squash them =-O

Thought it was conkers?
Mrs has them placed at strategic points around our house±

Smoking Frog - 6/10/14 at 08:24 PM

Embrace them (not too firmly) as friends, they eat other things that are even more hideous. If you don't like evicting them from the bath just leave a length of toilet paper draped over the side to climb up. It's their mating season (according to QI) that's why they're out and about.

02GF74 - 6/10/14 at 08:25 PM

Was discussed on qi.

It is usually male spider looking for some rumpy pumpy after which the female eats him.

They are harmless.
Capture with a piecr of paper and glass and relrase outside.

We should get some photos next to a ruler to see who get the biggrst.

morcus - 6/10/14 at 09:38 PM

As others mentioned, having spiders is good because they get rid of other things, things that are far worse.

theprisioner - 6/10/14 at 11:28 PM

My cat enjoys a good spider, bigger the better, pull the legs off first!

19sac65 - 7/10/14 at 06:28 AM

My neighbour swears by conkers aswell
We just moved into a barn conv with beams - theres some huge ones strolling around
Hate them

Ben_Copeland - 7/10/14 at 07:08 AM

Originally posted by theprisioner
My cat enjoys a good spider, bigger the better, pull the legs off first!

My dog loves them too... She enjoys a good crunch, but it never last long enough for her to play with it.

TheGiantTribble - 7/10/14 at 08:34 AM

Conkers are good, but only if you put some at every door and window.
You can also used crushed conkers for a better effect, but they dried out
quicker, once dried out they are useless.

If you have an old fashioned (3/4" pipe to the outside wall) overflow on
your bath (or toilet cistern) they can get in along that instead fit a modern
one that goes into the waste with a bendy pipe.

If you try to flush them down the bath, while yes they disappear they will
come back, apparently they fold their legs up and make themselves very
buoyant and just float at the top of the water level in your bath waste.

scootz - 7/10/14 at 09:36 AM

We get massive house spiders up our way... proper 'size-of-yer-palm' fellas.

Thankfully the missus isn't scared of them, so they pretty much get a free reign in Casa Scootz.

If you don't want to go near them, then drape a towel over the bath... this will allow them to climb back out of the tub and escape... probably into your bed!

mookaloid - 7/10/14 at 09:56 AM

I would wish to make it clear that I like spiders and I keep telling her that they do a lot of good and that they don't bite etc etc

I have bought her a sucky thing:

Hopefully this will keep her quiet

Irony - 7/10/14 at 10:25 AM

They don't come up the plug hole???? They hate water? So all that singing about Incey Wincey Spider was a lie? Another childhood dream RUINED! Thank you very much!

Mr Whippy - 7/10/14 at 12:01 PM

Well the really big ones just open the door…

We have some large ones about 2 inches that I keep putting outside if only to prevent the dog eating them. But they apparently re-appear the next day. Given their size I have no idea how they get in the house or what they are eating as there are no fly’s indoors, do they eat dog food??! We leave a towl in the bath for them to climb out else they get stuck. Personally I love spiders and want a robot one, always liked the scene from Explorers film (1985), I’m making sure my little girl doesn’t mind them either showing her them and calling it Mr Spider

[Edited on 7/10/14 by Mr Whippy]

loggyboy - 7/10/14 at 12:03 PM

Conkers trick is an old wives tale...

steve m - 7/10/14 at 09:38 PM

what a load of tosh, spiders don't come through the plug !

they bloody do, wife and I watched it, years ago, after boiling water etc was sent down the plug hole

Plus, spiders can not walk on a polished plastic ceiling, so how come we get them in the bath ?

David Jenkins - 7/10/14 at 10:20 PM

I'm currently in Australia - saw one of these a while back!

These are slightly larger than your hand when the legs are fully extended, and they can run really fast...

coyoteboy - 8/10/14 at 12:12 AM

Spiders don't come through the plug hole, they go down it in search of water like any animal.

Genuinely can't stand folk who are willing to kill spiders because they're scared of or dislike them, get a grip you're an adult ffs and they have every right to live too. Catch it in a glass, put it outside if it bothers you.


Plus, spiders can not walk on a polished plastic ceiling, so how come we get them in the bath ?

Really? Is that a serious question? I can't walk on an ice covered slope but I can sure as poo fall down it trying to get to a beer at the bottom and not get back up.

[Edited on 8/10/14 by coyoteboy]

JoelP - 8/10/14 at 07:54 AM

I've no problem with spiders, so long as they pay their rent on time.