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Brazil nuts ?
Jon Ison - 22/12/04 at 07:46 PM

Done shoppin earlier today, there was no Brazil nuts to be found, not a one, is there some sort og shortage i aint heard about? Even the packs with all sorts in had no Brazil nuts.....

phelpsa - 22/12/04 at 07:49 PM

Have they burnt down the factory?

Ooops, sorry, that was branston

macspeedy - 22/12/04 at 07:54 PM

ebay has some

Item number: 5534972872

Dusty - 22/12/04 at 08:02 PM

Some sort of fungus growing on the shells that produces a liver cancer toxin so EEC have banned untreated nuts in their shells unless fumigated or something like that. Costs too much or a pain in the butt for Tesco to arrange so this years crop dumped except a few imported without the shells on from countries other than Brazil.

[Edited on 22/12/04 by Dusty]

Jon Ison - 22/12/04 at 08:04 PM

doh, that explains it then.....

Peteff - 22/12/04 at 08:27 PM
It's the bl**dy EU again.

locodude - 22/12/04 at 09:50 PM

Guy at work sells 'em Jon, £3 per kilo, pistachios & cashews same price.

stephen_gusterson - 22/12/04 at 10:10 PM

as a further hazard, brazil nuts also contain a small amount of radiation. its picked up from the areas they are grown in (radon rich soil or summat like that). Its been a few years, but I was in a food factory installing machinery when the consultant i was with pointed a radiation survey meter (geiger counter in english) at a sack of nuts and it gave a good reading over normal background.

still bum all in the scheme of things tho.



[Edited on 22/12/04 by stephen_gusterson]

givemethebighammer - 22/12/04 at 11:58 PM

is it me or is that bbc report confusing

"A spokeswoman for Sainsbury's said: "Like other retailers, we don't stock shelled Brazil nuts due to EU regulations. However, we have plenty of unshelled Brazil nuts in stock.""

I read shelled as "without shells"
and unshelled as "still in their shells"

But if I read it correctly it's ones in the shells that are the risky ones, but they don't stock the shelled ones ?
