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Alloy valve caps
Northy - 19/2/05 at 12:09 PM

Ok, I got some alloy valve caps free with a mag, fitted them to the Focus and now can't get them off the bloody valves!

Any ideas how to get them off without ruining the valves?


Glan Noye - 19/2/05 at 12:22 PM

Park up where your local chavs hang out,they will soon disappear!

clbarclay - 19/2/05 at 12:34 PM

Don't bother with that idea, you'll be left with the valve caps, and the valves along with the wheels will disappear.

carlgeldard - 19/2/05 at 01:25 PM

Hi Graham

I would try boiling some water and get an old cloth and a pair of pliers.
Pour the hot water over the alloy valve cap it will expand quicker than the steel valve. Use the rag and pliers because it will be bloody hot.


nicklondon - 19/2/05 at 01:25 PM

try warming them with a lighter.

zenarcher - 19/2/05 at 01:55 PM

....or a welding torch.

Peteff - 19/2/05 at 03:22 PM

Valves are brass and rubber. Get some moles on them.

gazza285 - 19/2/05 at 05:17 PM

One of the joys of dissimilar metals, I think I'll stick to plastic ones.

Hellfire - 19/2/05 at 06:06 PM

Didn't you grease your nuts?

Northy - 19/2/05 at 06:27 PM

Think so, but not well enough it seems

Cheers guys, I'll sort it tomorrow its snowing now!

rusty nuts - 19/2/05 at 06:52 PM

No mine are Rusty