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Fantasy football
Ben Graber - 2/8/05 at 07:38 PM

If anyone is interested i've created a mini league on the Yahoo fantasy football site. If anyone wants to join the group name is 'Locost Builders' the group id is '2854' and the password is 'season' Good luck!
Click to sign up

subk2002 - 2/8/05 at 08:56 PM

Come on The Well

Paul (Notts) - 2/8/05 at 09:01 PM

If they are as slow as my build - No Chance

Ben Graber - 3/8/05 at 08:10 PM

Must be more than two??? It is FREE!

DorsetStrider - 13/9/05 at 06:48 PM

I'm in.... Moy's Maruders are taking the coastal regions by storm.....

I really need to get out more don't I?