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Percasets and the big V
derf - 22/11/05 at 05:05 PM

Well I finnally went and had it done yesterday, the big V, anyway, here is some info because I don't feel like typing about it

Anyway the doc gave me a perscription for percasets, and I'm flying quite high. Ive been laying on the couch for the past 23 hours with frozen corn on my penis. I have 2 kids , and don't want any more. But I am looking for a good excuse to tell the 22 year old girl that I will marry next after I finaly decide to divorce my current wife. Anyone have any suggestions.

oh yeh, my surgery was 26 hours ago and my penis still hurts, how long should it hurt for because I would like to use my newly sterilized tool soon

serendipity123 - 22/11/05 at 05:24 PM

outch outch and outch

god i wish there was a male pill

Taz Surfleet - 22/11/05 at 05:32 PM

I had mine done 7 yrs ago was back to work after 2 hours never had any pain !! only agro i had was off the missus friends offering to help her out with the 30 or so clear out shots !!

scotlad - 22/11/05 at 06:08 PM

there is a male pill! i was on a trial for it 4 years ago for 1 year. Alas involved testosterone implants as well as a daily pill though so not everybodies cup of tea though for the year i was on it, my sperm count was zero!

donut - 22/11/05 at 06:21 PM

Oooh i feel quite ill. I won't get it done cos 2 mates had terrible trouble after theirs. So NO WAY PEDRO!

I like the words under the photo's on that site 'Click to enlarge' !!

mangogrooveworkshop - 22/11/05 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by donut
Oooh i feel quite ill. I won't get it done cos 2 mates had terrible trouble after theirs. So NO WAY PEDRO!

I like the words under the photo's on that site 'Click to enlarge' !!

better make that three......It took two years for the postop infection to clear!!!!!!!! If I had the choice I wouldnt do it again!!!!!!! OUCH wif a capital ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

JoelP - 22/11/05 at 06:57 PM

26 hours surgery ?! were they doing a heart bypass at the same time?!

omega 24 v6 - 22/11/05 at 07:36 PM

Well when i got mine I pulled into the car park and pulled on the handbrake snapping the cable. Parked against a high kerb went in got the paper work out of the way and was Into theatre frozen up tubes cut etc and out with a cup of tea in 20 mins tops. The docs name was F stein ( seriously). After a couple of hours I drove home via the motor factors for a new handbrake cable and fitted it. Was at work the next day.
On the down side It took months to get the all clear for action (must have a big sump) and apparently some people are sensitive to silk stiches and for time to time get a swoolen ballock or 2. I was one of them on my 10th wedding aniversary but we went horse riding and that soon put it back into shape.

JoelP - 22/11/05 at 08:25 PM

i read it wrong, he said 26 hours ago not 26 hours in theatre! thought that was a bit life or death...

Peteff - 22/11/05 at 08:39 PM

I had mine 18 years ago, next day off and then back to work. In pre op the nurse came round to take particulars and check you'd shaved the right bit (DIY, the nurses aren't too fussy), paint your balls with iodine,(ouch stinging) and check the paperwork. The curtains were round the bays and she asked the bloke in the next bed, who was there for his second one as the first didn't work, if he was having a local anaesthetic. He said "Not bloody likely, I know what it's like now". She came to me and said " You didn't hear him did you?, too late to change your mind anyway " She drew the curtain back and the rail fell down and hit her on the head and knocked her out so she was stretchered out and another nurse wheeled me through. There were students watching the operation and while it was being done the power went off so we had to wait for the generators to kick in and the anaesthetic started to wear off as he was stretching the vas to tie it and I was wincing so they gave me another jab to add to my enjoyment. One of the students said reassuringly " It'll not be long now" and I said " Christ he's not shortening it is he?" Afterwards they give you a support to wear, like a net bag and I was really chuffed because it said extra large on mine but the nurse who came to see me and check up after said it was just to allow for the swelling . When I got home my wife asked if it hurt and I said only when the nurse pulled the cover back and then fell about laughing.

colibriman - 22/11/05 at 08:43 PM

I had it done about 12 years heck the injections hurt.. thankfully no trouble after it though

and that day was my kids' school sports day....and they wondered why I wasn't in the dad's race..

MikeRJ - 22/11/05 at 09:00 PM

Hang on, do you mean that some couples actually carry on having sex after their first sprog?

Dale - 22/11/05 at 09:14 PM

complications do happen but its a risk as is any surgury. Alot less risky than having your wife permanently fixed. It can be done very simply with newer methoods. Mine took around 10 minutes with the wife there as well- she wanted to watch and I did not care. Insision maybe 1/4 inch at most. Little shot of freezing does not even require stitches. No action for a week aghrrrrr and got to be tested after a month or so to be sure.

derf - 22/11/05 at 09:21 PM

I went in at 10 and left at 2. They completely knocked me out for a little over 2 hours. i didn't feel a thing. The worst part had to be when they stuck me with the IV. Doctor also wrote me a note for 2 weeks off work....

r3nuf - 22/11/05 at 10:54 PM

Had it done 7 days ago.

So far so good.

Mind you i was out for the count (Had a general anaesthetic)

If i had seen that website before hand, i might have thought twice about it!



steve_gus - 22/11/05 at 10:59 PM

Had mine done 18 years back. Apart from the injection, there were no other medications.

The after affects made it feel like the end of my 'tool' had been whacked by a hammer.

Havnt felt like that since the long weekend with kylie minogue!



(then I woke up)


Scotty - 23/11/05 at 09:01 AM

i assume this was nothing to do with you then ???????????