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8000 mile zetec escort info required
bigbriglasgow - 5/1/06 at 05:03 PM

Hi guys,

info required please..

My pal bought a house and along with it came a 1.6 zetec engined 8000 guarinteed mileage R plate escort but there are no keys with it. the car is in mint and i mean mint condition but we have no keys.

did the car get an imobiliser as standard and if so was it built into the key?

can we go to ford and ask for a new set of keys for the car?

any idea of value of the car?



stevebubs - 5/1/06 at 05:11 PM

Any Glaswegian worth his salt should be able to get in there in 10secs flat....

Have you thought about the AA? They're pretty good at opening cars...

From the (little) I know, yes - there will be a transponder in the key, and yes - it should be possible to get another from Ford. However you're likely to need the VIN and proof of ownership for that...

rusty nuts - 5/1/06 at 05:15 PM

Didn't someone else have a similar problem a while back ? Fords should be able to supply correct key but will need proof of ownership . Have an idea key will be in excess of £100 though. Car should be worth several times that .

MkIndy7 - 5/1/06 at 05:56 PM

I have heard of chipped ECU's in the trade (think garages used them to rule out the immobiliser when fault finding)

Peteff - 5/1/06 at 06:02 PM

The 'P' reg I had was supplied with 3 keys, a red one and 2 normal ones. I had to replace one of the normal ones and it had to be programmed using the red one. It was a long time ago now and I can't remember the procedure but it was in the handbook.

stevec - 5/1/06 at 07:09 PM

Getting in it is the easy thing , Getting past the PATS immobiliser is the difficult bit, I think you will need to fork out a bit.
Phone a Ford dealer and tell them the story and they will advise.