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Rambo fans
Simon - 31/5/07 at 10:24 PM

You need to have registered as it's slightly violent



[Edited on 31/5/07 by Simon]

benji106 - 31/5/07 at 10:56 PM

alternative link if you arnt registered with youtube

craig1410 - 31/5/07 at 11:01 PM

Ooh! That's a bit gruesome in parts isn't it?

I must admit I wasn't enthused at the idea of Rambo 4 but that doesn't look too bad!

I liked Rocky Balboa too.

omega0684 - 31/5/07 at 11:34 PM

best part of that whole trailer, apart from seeing a fat and old stallone is the catch phase,

'when you pushed......killing is as easy as breathing!'

OMG ABSOLUTE BRILIANCE!, if you had put stallone up against Roy Walker there would be no contest.

nib1980 - 1/6/07 at 07:04 AM

Oh is this gonna turn into a thread about my hero being harder than yours. because all I have to say is

Chuck Norris

MattCraneCustoms - 1/6/07 at 10:59 AM

chuck norris only has a bigger ego, rambo would own chuck. A flying ninja kick is no match for a rocket launcher . . .

Simon - 1/6/07 at 07:37 PM

Chuck Norris is actually a thoroughly decent chap (see his work for charity etc), not too bad at martial arts and not quite a good actor, a bit like Arnie, Stallone and Co.

However they do all make thoroughly enjoyable films

