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What Horror film can you recommend
scotty g - 18/8/07 at 10:59 AM

hi all,
i'm having a bit of a trawl through ebay looking to build my horror DVD collection.
what would you recommend.
I don't like ones like Nightmare on elm st, friday 13th etc, endless sequals with identicle plots. yawn!

Tim 45 - 18/8/07 at 11:12 AM

The original SAW and Hostel would be good ones to start with.

scootz - 18/8/07 at 11:21 AM

Classic Horror? Gotta put The Shining on your list. Slow burn, but great film.

Modern Day? Quite liked The Descent... very claustrophobic.

Afraid I'm not into the 'Gore-Porn' genre (Saw / Hostel, etc). Seen them both and whilst I admit that they both had great potential as concepts, the directors ultimately lacked the talent to ramp up the suspension and relied purely on Gore CGI.

Benzine - 18/8/07 at 11:32 AM

Really low budget, so-so-bad-it's-good:
Camp blood

Mr Ice Cream Man

Horrific disturbing horror:
Men behind the sun (most disturbing film i've ever seen)

mookaloid - 18/8/07 at 11:42 AM

Not a fan of horror movies myself, but anything with Kate Beckinsale in it works for me - underworld etc

thunderace - 18/8/07 at 11:43 AM

saw is one of the best films i have ever seen (with the name saw i was thinking it would have been crap )

scotty g - 18/8/07 at 11:49 AM

I quite liked Saw, good twist.
hostel, crap didn't like it at all
The Descent, one of my all time favs.

ricklawn - 18/8/07 at 11:52 AM

remember a film i watched mid 80's called bogey man. set on a farm i think , something to do with a mirror. i was only about 13 at the time. good film.

MattCraneCustoms - 18/8/07 at 12:23 PM

the original 'of the dead' series by george romero are classics, especially with some of the subplots. Plus its were the zombie genre began


Aboardman - 18/8/07 at 12:29 PM

what about a car related one


speedyxjs - 18/8/07 at 12:34 PM

House of wax
The ring
The ring 2

dave1888 - 18/8/07 at 12:40 PM

The Descent and The Ring, bloody scary films.

RazMan - 18/8/07 at 12:44 PM

The Ring was good - a similar(ish) one is The Grudge. There's something different about Japanese directed / produced films

Gav - 18/8/07 at 01:22 PM

Event Horizon is an absolute classic.

nathanharris1987 - 18/8/07 at 01:25 PM

the thing

they scared the poo out of me

Catpuss - 18/8/07 at 02:50 PM

Hostel was OK.
The Thing is a classic. I also really like Christine, Event Horizon & one of my favourites is the original black and white The Haunting (the remake that was a bit crap).

The Cube is quite good as a sort of horror, though 2 & 0 were not brilliant.

For Japanese stuff (they are the masters of Horror these days). The original Ring series & The Audition are rather good. Japanese films do muted colours and with subtitles I find they focus me on the screen much more.

jollygreengiant - 18/8/07 at 03:19 PM

Phantasm. Just watch out for the silver balls.

Avoneer - 18/8/07 at 03:19 PM

28 Days Later did it for me.


MattCraneCustoms - 18/8/07 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by RazMan
The Grudge / There's something different about Japanese directed / produced films

I'd have said there was something about Sarah Michelle Gellar . . . . 28 Days and Weeks later both awesome, and event horizon scared the poo out of me when I was a kid. . the hitcher is also a classic, but i thats more of a psychological horror

The Great Fandango - 18/8/07 at 04:59 PM

28 Days Later
Interesting concept. One of my favourites. An absolute MUST to see although a bit of a crap ending (has anyone seen its sequel yet? - I haven't but heard it's not that good)

Wolf Creek
More thriller than horror based (VERY LOOSELY) on the Peter Falconio case in Australia. Lots of "no! don't do that" moments!

Pet Cemetary
A classic that used to scare the crap out of me in my early teens

Dawn of The Dead
The 2004 re-make was a particularly good film. I always watch this one when I'm bored and it reminds me of the classic 1978 original (and a good spooky party I went to back in 2004)

The Fog
The 1979 original was blimin' scarey!

The Ring
Plenty of jumpy and "no! don't do that!" moments

Alien & Aliens
Classic space monsters action. Aliens has more of a hint of hard-ass soldiers kicking alien butt.

A less well known Kurt Russell low-budget film. More a thriller. Wife gets kidnapped, good case of revenge.

Stir of Echoes
Kevin Bacon. Great film. Again not that much of a horror but a bit on the creepy side.

Any of the Poltergeist Series

Nice concept. Good film all the way through. You remember when "Seven" was considered the most shocking film?... This is simply one step and several years further on. Saw II was a complete flop.

I can't remember the name of an old (but filmed in colour) horror film set in world war II. A bunch of Nazi's occupy a small mountain village as presumably they've found a cave with treasures inside. Things start happening... That's all I can remember - watched it ages ago. Remember it being a great film though!

This is a good website I found : -

Top 100 Horror Films

meany - 18/8/07 at 05:24 PM

ill second,

1.The Descent

coozer - 18/8/07 at 05:35 PM

Ichi the Killer..

Great Japanese movie thats pretty scary in places, gory and downright funny in others...

Jon Ison - 18/8/07 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by scotty g
I quite liked Saw, good twist.
hostel, crap didn't like it at all
The Descent, one of my all time favs.

Another vote for the Decent.

joneh - 18/8/07 at 06:19 PM

The Fog. I remember that one scaring the sh!t out of me when I was younger.

RazMan - 18/8/07 at 09:45 PM

Totally OT but I've just finished watching 'Wild Hogs' I havent laughed so much in ages

scotty g - 19/8/07 at 07:24 AM

Hey Fandango, that Nazi film you're trying to think the sounds of it i recon it must be The Bunker. Great film, i love it

nige - 19/8/07 at 08:51 AM

my first wedding video

scared the s**t out of me

RazMan - 19/8/07 at 09:16 AM

Originally posted by nige
my first wedding video

scared the s**t out of me

Trust me, the sequel is even worse

nige - 19/8/07 at 09:45 AM

i dont need reminding please i still have

i learnt and didnt vid the next one

Catpuss - 28/8/07 at 07:22 PM

Speaking of The Fog, I also remember watching Death Ship as a youngster and thinking that was quite scary.

Pulse (the one on the ship) is good too.

neilj37 - 28/8/07 at 07:42 PM

Can't believe nobody has mentioned hellraiser. Such a good film and was made on a budget.

Other good films are Pulse, Silent Hill, Jeepers Creepers, Shaun of the Dead

iank - 28/8/07 at 09:06 PM

Watched 'Dumplings' (the longer 90min version) last night on TV) very good Chinese horror film, but not the American style shock horror 'don't go into the old house billy' genre.

Creep was also on Film4 last night but I only watched a few minutes - up to my elbows in POR15

Jasper - 31/8/07 at 05:42 PM

Asian horror is the way to go if you want proper scary suspense.

Top of my list are Dark Water, the Grudge, Ring (NOT the US version), Audition, Premonition etc etc.... and lots of other good full on but not strictly horror like Old Boy, Sympathy For Mr Vengeance, The Isle and Lady Vengeance.

Have a look at Tartan Films Asian Extreme ... Battle Royal is one of my favourite films ever


Angel Acevedo - 31/8/07 at 09:53 PM

The Entity (old)
Lemming (French)
Fright night (Old too, Crap but fun)
The eye (Jap)
Oh License to Wed with Mandy Moore

[Edited on 8/31/2007 by Angel Acevedo]