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Whats Your Favourite Playstation 2 Games?
Surrey Dave - 23/10/03 at 06:52 PM

I've just bought one ,plays my DVD's and CD's too....

I have Colin McCrae 3 which is pretty good.

F1 2003 which is good but difficult.

The Getaway where a load of bods swear at me kill my wife kidnap my child then make of and I cant catch 'em. Dont like it!!

bob - 23/10/03 at 07:29 PM


you can get a really smart pair of PS2 speakers on ebay,just got some for my son ( well actually santas helpers bought them ) only 21 quid delivered.

Anyway my 7 1/2 year old says wipeout fusion is his favourite,i'm still working out howto operate Rayman

Alan B - 23/10/03 at 07:42 PM

What's the game where you start off with 250 quid and a pile of scrap and you have to make a car out of it?

F*****g hard game that one...

Viper - 23/10/03 at 08:03 PM

Total Imersion racing, the best racing game on PS2 .

JoelP - 23/10/03 at 08:20 PM

rayman on PS1 was dappa! one helluva great game... GTurismo too, and of course colin mcrae.

i've just purchased KKND extreme for the PC to help reduce my post rate! KKND= krush kill and destroy extreme!!lol

rell - 23/10/03 at 08:54 PM

Gran turismo 3 is the god of all driving games

rell - 23/10/03 at 08:57 PM

and the god of all fighting games is tekken 3

[Edited on 23/10/03 by rell]

Viper - 23/10/03 at 09:54 PM

Gran Turismo is good if you want to look at pretty cars but as a driving sim?? nah.

StuartA - 24/10/03 at 11:47 AM

One from over the fence... you guys should try Burnout 2 on the XBox!

[runs for cover]

greggors84 - 24/10/03 at 12:37 PM

Ive never played total immersion, but i have always though GT3 as being the daddy of racing games, and GT4 is out soon, with even more cars!

GTA Vice city, for the ability to walk around and do what you want, is brilliant.

DaveFJ - 24/10/03 at 01:01 PM

in GTA Vice city - pull up next to a prostitute and honk your horn.... when she gets in drive to somewhere grassy and park up - let the fun times roll........

blueshift - 24/10/03 at 01:07 PM

a PS2 is pointless without copies of gran turismo 3 and gta3 vice city (the original gta3 is good too), in my opinion.

been playing some soul calibur 2 recently, fun as beat-em-ups go.

Simon - 24/10/03 at 01:47 PM

What's a Playstation?



ned - 24/10/03 at 02:16 PM

i've got an x-box, does that count?


Simon - 24/10/03 at 03:35 PM

I don't know!

What's and X-Box



StuartA - 24/10/03 at 03:45 PM


See my post northwards ^. Burnout 2 is the daddy of all 'crash em ups'!!!

And Project Gotham 2 is out soon

[Edited on 24/10/03 by StuartA]

ijohnston99 - 25/10/03 at 11:30 AM

Colin McCrae and the Gran Turismo games are must have.

Red faction is also excellent if you like first person shoot-em ups.

As is Britneys Dance Studio!!!! (It's my daughters honest!)

donut - 25/10/03 at 02:48 PM are really SAD!!....but seeing as i'm here (does that make me sad too??) i would have to say GT3 is tops for driving and Medal Of Honour is probably my fave EVER!!

Oi..give me back my controller thingy

JoelP - 25/10/03 at 03:20 PM

i got medal of honour on the PC, a wicked game but i totally wore it out. Moved onto age of empires, but im sick of that too...

if the twat on ebay would hurry up with the next one i may actually get round to leaving this site for a few hours...

Jasper - 25/10/03 at 03:35 PM

Just started Medal of Honour - and very nice it is soon. Have been a fan of Half Life for ages, and have done a fair bit of online gaming with Counter Strike and Day of Defeat - there's nothing like killing real people!

Deckman001 - 25/10/03 at 03:56 PM

Wouldn't know, the kids won't let me near the thing !!


Surrey Dave - 26/10/03 at 05:49 PM

'Donut' if I am SAD , I do not appear to be alone on here............................................

It's officially Winter today , which means 'puter games.

S.A.D = Seasonally Affective Disorder it's only the first day of dark evenings and I can fell it coming on already..............................................Where's my lightbox?...........

Peteff - 26/10/03 at 08:40 PM

I've got a 4 cd Half-life game and I can't get past where he puts the suit on. I'll stick to Chicken Invaders. The one where you drive round and shoot people sounds like Nottingham or Birmingham.

yours, Pete.

Surrey Dave - 28/10/03 at 07:57 PM

Got 'Medal Of Honour' and GT3 today , I've just been through a terrible trauma trying to get up the soddin' Normandy beach, I'm emotionally and physically drained.......

GT3 Good fun , and good racing head to head , but not very realistic car behaviour.................

kingr - 29/10/03 at 10:56 AM

GT3 all the way, I've got to about 70% completion, and just haven't got the time to get any further. Can't wait for GT4, it's going to have a Caterham Fireblade in there! And a good smattering of Lotuses too.


Surrey Dave - 2/11/03 at 02:37 PM

I've changed my mind !!, GT3 is a clever game , the cars handle really different, racing with low powered cars is really fun ,you have to get the lines perfect............

Now where's my sad anorak.......................

Mix - 3/11/03 at 04:55 PM

Isn't the biggest "challenge" letting go of the joystick and venturing out into the cold to do something constructive?

It's just a different kind of vice !!


Surrey Dave - 3/11/03 at 07:30 PM

Yeah but, that's my car in the Avatar!!!!, not some 'orrible lips thing!!!!.

+ I likes to 'old my joystick ,indoors and out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!