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Decisions in China not all they seem ?
Jon Ison - 23/8/08 at 08:09 AM

Watching a bit of tv this morning did I detect a bit of injustice towards a British girl in favour of one of the host nations representative ?

Thought so.

mr henderson - 23/8/08 at 08:21 AM

I don't know which event you are referring to, but any sport that requires judging (as opposed to first past the post) is open to this kind of abuse, and has been for decades (witness russian skaters falling on their backsides and still winning gold)


Jon Ison - 23/8/08 at 08:40 AM

This may be worth a read but if you get to see the video you will see what she means.

Dave J - 23/8/08 at 08:48 AM

It was the Taikwondo. Our girl was up against the chinese undefeated champion. Down by one point with seconds to go, our girl put in a devastating head kick which had the judging been fair, would have put her 2-1 up with seconds to go and effectively win the tie. Sadly two of the judges didn't see the kick which was I have to say completely obvious. The TV replay clearly showed she should have been awarded the tie. These are not allowed.
A serious injustice has occured. This is not sour grapes, it really was that obvious

billynomates - 23/8/08 at 09:14 AM

As above, we were robbed!!

eznfrank - 23/8/08 at 09:14 AM

I saw it aswell, absolutely gutted for her. At least she's not out completely. Perhaps the whole incident will give her that extra little bit of fire inside to get the job done.

I don't really understand why in the 21st century with technology what it is, why they don't use video replay or contact pads like in Fencing??

Just as I was typing this the announcement has been made and they have reversed the decision.

[Edited on 23/8/08 by eznfrank]

JoelP - 23/8/08 at 09:20 AM

i think the lights are too bright, the judges were squinting

Shadowcaster - 23/8/08 at 09:24 AM

Decision has just been reversed she's through

Dave J - 23/8/08 at 09:32 AM

Just heard the decisions been reversed. I should boomin' well think so too.

Justice prevails.


carpmart - 23/8/08 at 09:56 AM

She just lost the semi, gutted!