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stainless braided hose
chrisg - 25/3/09 at 10:17 PM

Can you use stainless braided fuel hose for the SVA/IVA?

I know that rubber hose has to be marked as being for unleaded, you wouldn't be able to have that with braided.



omega0684 - 25/3/09 at 10:22 PM

yup, i have stainless fuel hose throughout my car, just take some of the actual rubber fuel line (with the markings on) to show the SVA man if he asks.

mr henderson - 26/3/09 at 07:52 AM

Two cars I know of that were fitted with stainless braided fuel hose stank of petrol. Maybe there are some makes that don't do this.

I was working on such a car yesterday, and my wife can smell petrol on my breath this morning!


02GF74 - 26/3/09 at 08:45 AM

^^^ firslyt I am not aware of there being different hose of leaded or unleaded.

As ^^^ say, hose needs to be marked - I have short lengths of bradied fuel hose on my carbs from the mechanical fuel pump and did not need to show any markings for SVA.

AS ^^^ says, there have been storoies of braided hose leaking and of course being braided, it is hard to see the hose itself fail - same goes for braided brake lines.

I purchased my braided hose by the meter (As oppsoed to the ready made lengths which may be different hose) from VWP - this is fitted in my Land Rovber, must be close to 8 years and not probs of leaking or smells of petrol.

chrisg - 26/3/09 at 09:08 AM

Thanks for the replies, I think I might stick to the ordinary rubber stuff.



indyian - 26/3/09 at 10:53 AM

i had put stainless braided all thro the car and mr sva man would not pass it until i could prove it was within regulations .
proper braided hose has a a ring of stainless braid in the actual rubberer and anather ring almost melted into the outer of the rubber so you cant peel it back so i had to get hold of the manifacture and get a certifacate to prove it was made for this purpose was a right pain