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PX600 Airbox
Yazza54 - 3/1/11 at 03:11 PM

Has anyone used this airbox??

Trying to weigh up whether it will fit. There are dimensions of the height but nothing of the height where it tapers off toward the inlet. With the bonnet bulge on the fury it'd need the taper where the bonnet has the most clearance, so I could run it with the inlet at the back and a longer duct. Just unsure whether the taper will be shallow enough. I Think my filter is currently about 65mm tall.

Also, do they perform well with these fitted? Mines a R1 engined fury. Or am I better off with my foam filter?

bob tatt - 3/1/11 at 03:20 PM

i run one on a busa with no problems flowing enough air and a lot quieter than a foam filter it tapers quite sharply will have a measure later for you if it helps. What i did was use some 135 degree bends off the throttle bodies into the air box this lowered it enough to fit under the indy bonnet no problem.

hth rob

Yazza54 - 3/1/11 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by bob tatt
i run one on a busa with no problems flowing enough air and a lot quieter than a foam filter it tapers quite sharply will have a measure later for you if it helps. What i did was use some 135 degree bends off the throttle bodies into the air box this lowered it enough to fit under the indy bonnet no problem.

hth rob

Cheers for the reply, lowering it may be an option. If it's not too much trouble to measure it would help!

Yazza54 - 3/1/11 at 04:07 PM

Just had a look with the bonnet closed on full lock so I could see under the clam... absolutely no chance am I getting an airbox under there! Don't want you wasting your time measuring it, but thanks for offering.

bob tatt - 3/1/11 at 04:45 PM

no worries have an ask around among fury owners im sure there is a solution out there,


Gergely - 3/1/11 at 04:52 PM

I have one fitted in an MNR and R1, and it fits no problems. Touches on the bonnet slightly, but at least helps the bonnet keep its shape. No bonnet bulge needed, and clean fresh air provided from the front of the car.

sorens2 - 3/1/11 at 09:07 PM

I have one on my MNR ZX12.
It should be like this from new.
My guess is + 10-15 bhp.

Soren S2

Yazza54 - 3/1/11 at 09:23 PM

It may be +10hp over your previous setup, but I remember you saying yours didn't want to rev to the redline. Mine pulls like a train all the way so probably not as much of a increase. It's not really for performance anyway, I need to make it a bit quieter.

Looks smart too, just can't see it ever fitting under the bonnet.

Bet it'd work really well on mine too with the new air duct I've fitted.

Hmmmm, what's it made of? If it's ally I could cut it down a bit maybe?

Thanks for the help all!

[Edited on 3/1/11 by Yazza54]

theduck - 3/1/11 at 09:53 PM

Could you not have something made to do a similar job? I now RS Fabrications have done intricate custom airboxes before.

jeffw - 4/1/11 at 06:32 AM

I would think a talk with Andy Bates of AB Performance would be the best bet. He deals with Furys with BECs all the time in the RGB championship and he has done airboxes for them.

Yazza54 - 14/1/11 at 12:14 AM

Job jobbed

Chet - 16/1/11 at 05:48 PM

Do you notice any difference in engine performance between your old foam filter and the Pipercross with the additional curved hoses?


Yazza54 - 16/1/11 at 06:01 PM

Good question, I've not driven it yet because the weathers so bad. Will report back with my findings soon (I hope!)