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Valve/valve guide clearances
BenBrooks - 16/2/13 at 11:29 PM

I've just taken the valves out of my crossflow head and there is a bit of play in the valves and valve stems. I can't really tell how much it is but they noticeably wobble. Is it a definite that if there is any wobble they should be replaced or is there a certain tolerance?


austin man - 16/2/13 at 11:38 PM

they shouldnt really wobble. you would be better having new valves and guides fitted

snapper - 17/2/13 at 06:28 AM

I believe K line guides are ream and fit
Some one like Gosnays, Thurstons, Vulcan, Burtonswill do it

BenBrooks - 17/2/13 at 03:35 PM

Cheers for the replies.

What sort of price do you think I'll be looking at?