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Diesel Type 9 Gearbox
DavidM - 2/12/06 at 12:59 PM

Is the type 9 gearbox bellhousing and input shaft the same on a diesel Sierra as it is on a petrol one?

If anybody knows for sure and can give a quick reply it would be great as I've got one waiting for me at the scrappy.


MikeR - 2/12/06 at 01:09 PM

I think it depends on the diesel engine. If its the 2.3 i might not be as that was i think from peugeot. If its the 1.8 diesel then should be the same.

the only issue is the ratio's. Some diesel boxes (this is a covering statement as i'm not sure if its all) use lower ratio's than normal.

Fatgadget - 2/12/06 at 01:11 PM

unless I am very much mistaken diesel Sierras used a Puegeot engine that had a different bell housing bolt patten to a pinto or xflow.

DavidM - 2/12/06 at 01:16 PM

Thanks guys, looks like I'll be shopping elsewhere then as I'm upgreding to 5 speed. Got the Sierra on its side and thought the bellhousing looked strange. Did a search and it appears it's probably got a longer input shaft too.

Thanks again,


Fatgadget - 2/12/06 at 02:14 PM

Regarding the input shaft,you either get it machined...9 inch angle grinder!...or purchase a spacer from GHB or Burtons.

hillbillyracer - 2/12/06 at 03:07 PM

Definately something about the input shaft length, we had a P100 pickup years ago at work & when the box went we found out about it the hard way. Could'nt get a S/H one so ended up fixing it.

Danozeman - 2/12/06 at 07:07 PM

The diesel p100's have longer bell housing and input shaft. Sierra cars have normal type 9's.

johnjulie - 3/12/06 at 10:23 AM

The Deisel cars have the long input shaft the same as the XR4i as used in Caterhams. Placing the lever about an inch further back.
Cheers John

JoelP - 3/12/06 at 10:34 AM

the diesel one i broke also had a completely different bolt pattern onto the engine, it had a single bolt at the top rather than two. That was a 2.3d IIRC. When i bust the gearbox it was a bugger finding the right replacement.

mcerd1 - 4/12/06 at 08:46 AM

Some of the later sierra's had 1.8D or TD's
the 1.8 is the same engine as in the later FWD cars (Mondeo, Escort, Focus)

but the only way I could find out the differences (if any) between a 1.8D and a petrol would be to dismantle the guy next doors 1.8D Sierra (and he might not be to chuffed)

Chippy - 4/12/06 at 11:38 PM

The diesel type 9 box has exactly the same bolt fixings as the petrol type 9 fitted to the V6, it won't go on the 2ltr, etc, starter motor is, (I think), in the wrong place, plus the input shaft is 1 1/4" longer. Another thing is that most diesel box's have a VERY hard life, and are second cousin to totaly f****d. BUT the most important thing is that the gear ratio's are crap!!! Be advised, stear well clear. HTH Ray