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First drive vid
big_l - 30/6/10 at 07:06 AM

I put a video if my first drive in my car on you tube guys if you search for

Leon's kit car

You will find a vid of my locost r1 what do you guys think ???

Davegtst - 30/6/10 at 07:15 AM

Sounds really nice, looks very quick too. Is that Muray Walker at the very beginning?

[Edited on 30/6/10 by Davegtst]

big_l - 30/6/10 at 07:19 AM

Thanks I'm really pleased with it . It's got a 2001 r1 5jj in it . Much quicker than I expected :£

eddie99 - 30/6/10 at 08:45 AM

Thats very cool and an excellent bit of road there you have Well done!

jossey - 30/6/10 at 01:59 PM

its either very quiet ....well silent or my speakers have packed up :O)


big_l - 30/6/10 at 03:25 PM

It's defo not quiet lol try again

Davegtst - 30/6/10 at 03:39 PM

Sorry bit off topic but what mirrors are they and did they get through the IVA ok?

big_l - 30/6/10 at 04:05 PM

There race tech f1 mirrors from CBS not iva ok um afraid !!!

foes - 30/6/10 at 07:03 PM

Ha ha nice little vid, can't beat that first drive experience, sounds like your enjoying it

big_l - 30/6/10 at 09:31 PM

you cant beat live axle for some tail out action lol

Major Stare - 30/6/10 at 09:59 PM

Remember taking my R1 5PW out last year for its first run... just blew me away.

I then fitted the stock Yamaha airbox..... quieter and more torque/grunt.


:{THC}:YosamiteSam - 30/6/10 at 11:48 PM

nice video - but wouldnt leave it on the net long - ahem self incriminating! (some big 40 signs) needs a camera mount then would be awesome!

big_l - 1/7/10 at 02:24 PM

It was taken using my mates blackbury I thought it was good fir a mobile !!!