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Seats for a Fury.
Rosco - 24/9/12 at 08:20 AM

What seats fit best and are most comfortable in a Fury for road use? What have you got?

I like the look of the JK Composites but the Striker seat they suggest looks a bit skinny for my backside. The N3942 looks like it could be made to fit but would need some fettling. Any experience of fitting these seat and how much of a squash they are to sit in. (Note - I'm 5'11'' and 13st.)

Titon - the base model is too tight for me and the wide seat looks too big for a Fury.

Intatrim Ranger looks interesting and comfortable but 2-3Kg heavier than the JK Composites.

What other options should I look at?

Is there any one in the Guildford area with JK Composites seat I could try for size?

Many thanks

Not Anumber - 24/9/12 at 08:45 AM

Whatever seat you go fora you must ask some searching questions about what it is made of.
Many seats intended for our types of car are made from largely unpainted steel tube covered with spongy foam padding. This is not a good long term solution foropen cars that are used in our unpredictable weather. The sponge absorbs water and holds it in contact to the steel frame. The water can get in through any of the joins in the cover but just cannot evaporate out the same way, it just builds up and can stay damp for months. This slowly rusts away and weakens the steel tubing until it brakes under strain. A lot of these seats look the part but are less suitable for our cars than some saloon car seats would be.

pekwah1 - 24/9/12 at 10:38 AM

i have the JK seats in my striker.
I am 6'4" and 14(ish) stone.

I fit in them nice and snuggly!

I'm only down in horsham but work in Guildford so if you either wanted to come and try them out at mine, or i could bring one of them to work for you to try you'd be more than welcome!


Norton91 - 24/9/12 at 06:44 PM


I have custom made JK's in my Fury, they sent me a gash seat to hack arround. I cut the sides right down and cut the head rest of so it sites level with the body work. I also lowered the seat, I was going to drop yhe floor but 15mins with a club hammer I now have a bum sized divit in the floor pan, all worked well. O I'm 6ft 2ins and 21st and fit well, seats are comfortable with just there miniumum padding (nearly as comfortable without padding). See album.


Rosco - 24/9/12 at 08:06 PM


Thanks for your reply. Have you any idea what size seats you started with by any chance.

Nice looking car by the way.

Norton91 - 24/9/12 at 09:10 PM


The largest they do, my mate has them same size unmoded in his Westfield wide body, he does loads of miles, he finds them comfortable as well, he is 6 1 and a lean 15st


Norton91 - 24/9/12 at 09:11 PM

Ps down the road from you in Littlehampton if you want to try them

Not Anumber - 25/9/12 at 10:54 AM

As I said be careful what you buy - dont just go on whether they are comfortable and look the part. Challenge the maker on what goes into them. Steel tube and any foam that can absorb water is a bad combination. You seriously dont want to rely on seats which will fall apart after a few years due to rusted frames