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Formula Ford to Hewland Mk9 Adapter Plates
Charles - 13/1/16 at 12:21 PM

Final bit from the ERA clearout, bit of a long shot, but someone might be able to use it.

Two Hewland to Ford adapter plates.

One is in poor condition, has had cracks which have been ground out ready for welding.

2nd is in fairly good condition, one thread has a Helicoil insert.

On both of them the gearbox threads have been ground away a bit by the flywheel, but this is common on these and there is still plenty of thread left.

Price £70 for the pair inc P&P

femster87 - 13/1/16 at 04:57 PM

£35 for one?

Charles - 13/1/16 at 07:10 PM

I'd do £35 for the scruffy one, £50 for the good one. Postage will be double if I send them separate!

femster87 - 13/1/16 at 08:34 PM

Ill pass thanks

Charles - 18/1/16 at 12:21 PM

Scruffy one sold. good one still left.

skinyin - 15/12/17 at 12:22 AM

Bit of a long shot but do you still have an adapter