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Gauging interest- caterham chassis
danmalkin - 13/6/20 at 10:36 AM

Would anyone on here potentially be interested in my old caterham chassis?

It’s not registered, having been a race car however it’s been in my ownership since 2002 and would be sold thus.

Chassis is tired, however would come panelled, no dents. Also would come with it’s scuttle panel, bonnet and nosecone.

I’d also throw in 4 wishbones (narrowtrack) without bushes, the two old
Damaged rear wings and an A-frame..

May be available in the next week or so. Some treasured memories with this car/ chassis hence I don’t want to scrap it.

It’s a 93 de-Dion chassis which had a k- series fitted.

Located near Chippenham wilts.

[Edited on 13/6/20 by danmalkin]

nick205 - 13/6/20 at 12:08 PM

Not for me, but it may help people if you put your location.

blue2cv - 13/6/20 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by nick205
Not for me, but it may help people if you put your location.
Its in the ad if read

striker1660 - 13/6/20 at 04:04 PM

if it helps who ever buys the chassis, i have the ali hubs ford pcd for sale.

Mr Whippy - 13/6/20 at 04:33 PM

My experience here is that rather than getting top prices for anything sold you will instead get rock bottom offers. I suggest instead you just chuck it on Ebay and you will get a lot more for it.

CRAIGR - 13/6/20 at 06:53 PM

Depends how realistic you are when pricing I would suggest. Guessing the clue would be in the forum name .

[Edited on 13/6/20 by CRAIGR]

danmalkin - 13/6/20 at 08:09 PM

Being realistic, I’d be looking at around £750 with all the parts. Cheap but it’s a good project and I’m only after enough money to find an engine rebuild.

On EBay it will probably make more, but I’d being dealing with arseholes.

Flick - 14/6/20 at 02:50 PM

U2u sent

lsdweb - 8/7/20 at 10:29 AM

Did this sell?

danmalkin - 8/7/20 at 10:34 AM

yes, sold on eBay. .

lsdweb - 8/7/20 at 11:55 AM


James - 8/7/20 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by danmalkin
yes, sold on eBay. .

And were they arseholes?

MikeR - 9/7/20 at 12:23 PM

How much did it sell for?