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Trailer - 11ft by 5ft5 bed size
Robster - 29/5/07 at 12:49 PM

I'm after a 2nd hand trailer (Brian James or similar professionally built) for my racing locost (min bed size 11ft x 5ft5). I need it within the next couple of months (which is when I'm aiming to have the car finished!).

Pref including tyre rack & jerry can box, but not essential. Needs to be able to fit in a single garage.


owelly - 29/5/07 at 12:58 PM

What max width to fit inside your garage and what length?

Simon W - 29/5/07 at 02:07 PM

I too am on the hunt for such a trailer. I have narrowed my search down to either:

PRG Mini Sport (designed specifically to go into a single garage)

Woodford 11ft x 5.5ft (also should go into a single garage)

Brian James Clubman (not sure if this will go into a single garage, Minno does but prices are sky high)

Robster - 29/5/07 at 04:41 PM

Max width would be 210cm, but this doesn't leave much room in the garage, so pref something slightly narrower.

Length, in the region on 4.5mtr.

Options I've found if buying new are:
Brian James clubman (smallest one is same dimensions as Minno max, so should fit in garage)
Ifor Williams CT115
Woodford Lightweight
PRG Mini Sport

All of them new are more than I can really afford - need to spend the money on finishing the car, ARDS test, buying a tow van & helmet/overalls. But I guess it's no good having all those in place without a trailer to get the car anywhere...

Welcome to the world of motorsport!

Simon, how far along are you on your build, when are you hoping to finish?

owelly - 29/5/07 at 04:57 PM

I have collected almost enough bits to build a trailer to sell. I'll get it built and then see if there any takers on here or just float in in the 'Bay and see what happens??
He's the one I built for me last year....

rjbrookes - 29/5/07 at 05:58 PM

I had one made by Hanford Trailers, on the A34 just south of stoke/newcastle.

They will make it to what ever size you want. i paid 1550 for mine.

like you mine fits a single garage will carry a 2 ton car and will fit most family sized cars.
