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Top Marks Makita
907 - 24/6/16 at 07:18 PM

You know how we all whinge & moan about the length of electric cables we get when we buy a new tool.

Well I bought a new Makita 16g shear today (JS1602) and when I unwrapped it in the workshop I couldn't believe it.

4 metres of cable from tool to plug.

I can almost plug it in next door.

Paul G

David Jenkins - 24/6/16 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by 907
I can almost plug it in next door.

That'll save a few pennies!

myke pocock - 24/6/16 at 10:35 PM

Any chance of posting how you manage to disguise it from the neighbour when you do? Has to be a Locost solution though.