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recolouring vinyl seats - is it any good?
smart51 - 21/6/10 at 08:49 AM

I'm looking for a seat for my new build and have been messed around by a few people. Good seats can be expensive but I've had an idea. MX5 seats in tan vinyl are unloved so cheap, mostly because they are baby diarrhoea coloured. Can the seats be recoloured easily and effectively? £50 for a pair of seats is a bargain but I don't want to spend that and the cost of dye only for the final result to look more like poo than the original. How good is vinyl seat colouring stuff?

Benonymous - 23/6/10 at 10:35 AM

you can get a decent result with it but if you recolour it a totally different colour say, baby diarrhoea to black, it will wear off in patches and look pretty naff. The colour in vinyl goes all the way through and the recolouring stuff is vinyl paint basically.