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Low Pressure pumps in Swirl pot injection setups
r1_pete - 15/8/14 at 09:04 AM

What low pressure pumps are people using in injection swirl pot setups?

It would seem the norm is for them to run constantly, which my present SU type interrupter pump isn't designed to do, I had thought of fitting a float system to shut off flow, but thought I'd ask first how others are doing it. Does a restrictor in the return help etc. etc.....


big_wasa - 15/8/14 at 09:31 AM

If you restrict the return to the tank from the swirl pot there should be enough resistance for your su pump to stop and start but also allow air / bubbles /some fuel back to the tank.

SPYDER - 15/8/14 at 09:49 AM

I used a run-of-the-mill high pressure pump pushing through a 1mm restrictor to keep the auxiliary tank full. No problems so far. Apart from forgetting to switch it on. Doh!

NigeEss - 15/8/14 at 12:42 PM

I used a small facet type pump wired into same circuit as the HP pump so they both run together.
The return from the injection rail goes back into the swirl pot and a large bore overflow takes care
of any excess. No problems so far.

mark chandler - 15/8/14 at 05:38 PM

Little facet pump for me also, I have a restrictor in the return so it clonks over slowly once the air is dispersed

neilp1 - 17/8/14 at 10:39 AM

I use a facet red top.

sebastiaan - 17/8/14 at 11:03 AM

Originally posted by mark chandler
Little facet pump for me also, I have a restrictor in the return so it clonks over slowly once the air is dispersed

That's clever. How big is the restrictor you are using?