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How best to secure wiring along a rough body panel without drilling?
ElmrPhD - 13/1/17 at 03:12 PM

Sorry for the long subject line.

"If a man" wanted to run wires along the rough/unfinished side of a fiberglass/grp panel WITHOUT puncturing it (as one would for p-clips) are blobs of goo/glue the best way?
If so...what's the preferred goo/glue? Epoxy? Silkaflex? Silicone? Bubble-gum???

This question concerns the wires to/from the nose-cone turn indicators and some wires in the MNR dash/scuttle and along the tranny tunnel...possibly also the rear panel.


Steve, in the NLs

Daf - 13/1/17 at 03:19 PM

I glued cable tie bases on with a goo type glue (ISR70-03 to be precise) very similar to sikaflex etc.

fiberglass, glue and cable tie base are all black so looks "factory"!

r1_pete - 13/1/17 at 03:21 PM

You can get fixings which are about 25mm square with 2 sided adhesice striip on the back, they take a tie wrap.

How many do you need, I think l have some kicking about.

steve m - 13/1/17 at 03:27 PM

This is a link to the sticky pads, although I didn't find them particularly good, and certainly not against rough fiberglass

In my nose cone, I just stuck the cable onto the fiberglass with some super glue, and then a couple of 1"x 3" strips off fiberglass bandage over the wires and bonded them in with fiberglass resin

Never had to touch them in 18 years


ElmrPhD - 13/1/17 at 04:17 PM

Great! Thanks guys.
Gonna try to combine all the advice and:
Use the tie wrap bases (which I already have - thanks, anyway R1-Pete) to get everything in place, but trust the actual security to the addition of either polyurethane or epoxy to hold the bases more solidly.
Thanks, again,
Steve, in the NLs

gregs - 13/1/17 at 08:48 PM


Originally posted by Daf
I glued cable tie bases on with a goo type glue (ISR70-03 to be precise) very similar to sikaflex etc.

fiberglass, glue and cable tie base are all black so looks "factory"!

David Jenkins - 13/1/17 at 09:43 PM

I don't know if you're planning to put your car through IVA - but stick-on tie-wrap bases WILL fail - I very nearly failed my SVA because of them, until I showed the inspector that most were also pop-riveted to the frame. At the rear of my chassis they were not riveted as it was the outer skin - I was allowed to tie-wrap the harness to some chassis members. If I hadn't done that then he told me the car would have failed.

It is justified as I've used some since the test (using just the sticky pad) and most have come adrift.

[Edited on 13/1/17 by David Jenkins]

ste - 13/1/17 at 10:50 PM

these? can easily make your own by removing the sticky pads from adhesive mounts and using araldite to stick them on ts/epoxy-applied-mount-tie-kit/EMSK12-4-12-X0

gregs - 14/1/17 at 08:51 AM

I used polyurethane sealant to bond them on with no SVA (as it was at the time). Is the IVA concern around the self adhesive type?