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Cat-Converter removal
liam.mccaffrey - 29/8/14 at 09:41 AM

If I were to remove the cat from an 1990 Volvo 240 were that be an automatic MOT fail? Assuming the tester is aware it should have a CAT.


adithorp - 29/8/14 at 12:24 PM

No, as it's registered before the date cat's are required. Will always have been testedto the pre-cat limits.

loggyboy - 29/8/14 at 01:06 PM

It wont fail for not having CAT, but may fail on emissions.

Benzine - 29/8/14 at 06:27 PM

Should automatically pass for being a 240. Why haven't I owned one still? One day...

mark chandler - 29/8/14 at 06:33 PM

August, September 92 or 93 was the cut off date, it's older so pull it out.

As an injected engine it should easily make any emmisions test for 3,5, although should only be tested for visual smoke