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coozer - 4/4/10 at 06:35 PM

I have a double sheet of glass that I want shot off, its cracked and in the way. Its 7' x 4'..

How the hell do I get rid of it??

Triton - 4/4/10 at 06:48 PM

Accidently on purpose throw a hammer at it then put bits in a small box for the bin blokes.

jacko - 4/4/10 at 06:50 PM

Goggles big hammer then to the tip

balidey - 4/4/10 at 06:55 PM

You need a mate, a stereo playing 70's funk, then carry it across a busy street. Then Gran Torino should appear....

skinned knuckles - 4/4/10 at 07:51 PM

Originally posted by balidey
You need a mate, a stereo playing 70's funk, then carry it across a busy street. Then Gran Torino should appear....

deanwelch - 4/4/10 at 08:24 PM


jlparsons - 4/4/10 at 09:19 PM

give local glassier a call? Otherwise, hammer then glass recycling bin in the tip?