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Extensions, Regulations and Walls?
simonwinn - 19/1/12 at 12:04 PM

Ok we are thinking about moving house but it seems our ideal home doesn't exist, not even if we compromise a little on the house and/or location.

So to the locost collective, where can I find details on building regulations? I've been looking online but cant find what I need.
We are looking to get quotes for a possible extension but before we do I would like to put some drawings together and need to know dimensions for external and internal walls (thickness) and also general infomation regarding extensions.

Someone will know I'm sure

Thanks in advance........

loggyboy - 19/1/12 at 12:07 PM

look for 'approved documents'

v8kid - 19/1/12 at 12:30 PM

You will spend countless hours digesting the regs and then when you submit the building inspector will refuse giving about 20 reasons - thats their job!

An architectural technician is cheap, quick and effective to get your building warrant through.

Built my 7th and last house now would not dream of doing it any other way. Most important thing is to source materials and specialist labour at right price and quality so the couple of hundred quid you spend on drawings will be repaid many times by the savings you can make with the extra time for shopping around.

At least thats how it worked for me.

Good luck it's hard graft.


big-vee-twin - 19/1/12 at 12:51 PM

Not just a case of slapping on an extension anymore, with the new part L energy conservation in buildings, you will have to inprove thermal elements in your existing house to meet the minimum U values, this may mean replacing all the windows, insulating your loft etc etc.

I'm afraid you need professional advice.

All the above come out by having SAP calculations done for the before and after situation especially difficult if your planning on having lots of glazing in the new extension.

simonwinn - 21/1/12 at 08:02 AM

Thanks everyone for the advice, having now looked at some of the regs, and not understanding much I will need proffessional help.

I would still like to get some rough drawings done to see how much room we would gain, does anyone know rough dimensions for the wall thicknesses?