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play pal
theconrodkid - 14/8/12 at 07:13 PM

just got a mail from this addy paypal[

they have my real name and log in name,is it legit as it says it,s my monthly statment....never had one of them before

mookaloid - 14/8/12 at 07:20 PM

I had the same one - my name though.

My gut reaction was scam but on closer inspection it actually really is from paypal

Don't know why they would have an email which seems to have been designed to look dodgy

JoelP - 14/8/12 at 07:30 PM

I got that too just now, binned it anyway (without opening) as per my policy Not interested in paypal statements!

[Edited on 14/8/12 by JoelP]

steve m - 14/8/12 at 07:49 PM

i read my Paypal statements, wiith out fail, as had a transaction for £177 for a towbar kit for a Honda
Ive never owned a Honda (car)

We contacted pay pal, and within 3 days had an appolgy and credited £177,
No one seems to know why my account was used,


Pete - Kit Car Zone - 14/8/12 at 08:02 PM

I've had a couple of those from PayPal. I normally find that anything from PayPal looks dodgy.

With anything like that I tend to bin it. Then pop onto the site separately (e.g. through google) and log in fresh to see if they actually meant to send me anything.

That's a random one with the Honda Towbar! Good that they gave you the money back.

theconrodkid - 15/8/12 at 06:43 AM

cheers peeps

loggyboy - 15/8/12 at 07:03 AM

It's quite easy to tell dodgy emails, just log into paypal (or which ever site) directly in a new window. any genuine message/email will also appear on there.

Slimy38 - 15/8/12 at 07:15 AM

I got the statement last night, first one ever. Although I do remember only a couple of weeks back I got a 'change of policy' notification.

I've also binned the email, I'll go into the account directly to check.