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Concept "ve-hic-ule".
Hugh Jarce - 7/11/04 at 11:59 AM

I love the green-eyed lights on stalks.

macspeedy - 7/11/04 at 12:51 PM

i like it !

chrisg - 7/11/04 at 07:59 PM

Picture missing on there

"look a complete tool mode"



Simon - 7/11/04 at 11:34 PM

Like the pics of the "3 wheeler at speed. Very novel approach two at front, and one on near side rear!

Anyway, they're about 80 years too late. The scooter beat them to it!



stephen_gusterson - 8/11/04 at 12:13 AM

obviously, the cars of the future wont have accidents.... no crumple zones in the front.

wtf is the point of "Automatic partner tracking"



Peteff - 8/11/04 at 10:27 AM

It's a mobile phone, or as we call it electronic tagging.
If someone is going the same way as you you switch on automatic partner tracking and sit back and let it follow them. Yeah right .