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C20XE [LET] to MT75 gearbox
Cobra289 - 17/3/09 at 07:14 PM

I wonder if anyone has match the C20XE engine to a sierra MT75 box?

Perhaps, someone has try and can tell me the problems.

I plat to try it with an aluminum sandwich plate of 15 mm.

Please let me know If you know anything regarding this possibility.

Best regards,

alistairolsen - 17/3/09 at 11:57 PM

why would you bother when both the manta and omega getrag boxes bolt straight on?

Cobra289 - 18/3/09 at 12:02 AM

Originally posted by alistairolsen
why would you bother when both the manta and omega getrag boxes bolt straight on?

I have all ready a MT75 and try to be as economic as possible.


bob - 18/3/09 at 11:17 AM

The MT75 box has been mentioned before for it non desirable ratios, might be worth looking into manta omega or even type9 and adaptor bell houseing.

Could be a false economy as well as hard work making the MT75 work.