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brown trouser moment
chesney321 - 29/12/14 at 10:29 AM

got to the stage of trying to fire the engine up in my new build aries locoblade powered by a Honda 893 engine.not yet put exhaust on,had a friend crank it over for me and it wouldn't start so poured a bit of petrol down the carbs.i was stood where exhaust should have been,cranked engine over then woosh flames out of side of engine overalls caught light and side of engine.lots of flapping about ,stamping on the floor on so on and flames were out.I thought the whole car was going to go up.have now got 2 big fire extinguishers and my heart is no longer at bursting point

bi22le - 29/12/14 at 11:24 AM

But it started?!?!?

chesney321 - 29/12/14 at 11:42 AM

yes for a few seconds before I turned it off got to get exhaust on finish electrics then sort out for iva in new year

steve m - 29/12/14 at 12:53 PM

"But it started?!?!? "

and a day that you will never forget !

that's what its all about

NigeEss - 29/12/14 at 05:52 PM

Won't do that again now will you

chesney321 - 29/12/14 at 06:00 PM

Not a chance

jollygreengiant - 29/12/14 at 06:34 PM

THAT is one of the nice things about starting a V8 with no headers. The exhaust points downwards.

rusty nuts - 29/12/14 at 07:17 PM

Don't believe it, there's no video!

ste - 29/12/14 at 10:56 PM

drop and roll, drop and roll!

The Black Flash - 2/1/15 at 01:12 PM

Ooof, lucky escape!
Fire extinguishers were one of the first things I bought for the garage, there are too many horror stories of people burning everything down on the interwebs. Never needed them, although came close when some welding splatter went into the bin full of oily paper towels!

Irony - 2/1/15 at 05:56 PM

Walter ages to start mines as the exhausts would burn the chassis. Didnt consider setting myself on fire.