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Jag V6 clutch problem, possibly?
40inches - 27/7/16 at 09:20 AM

With the OBP clutch pedal box, the pedal hit the bulkhead, but the clutch released OK.
After around 30 miles it became very difficult to engage gear, so I have modified the pedal ratio from 6:1 to 4:1.
The pedal is now 25mm clear of the bulkhead, and the clutch seems to be working fine again.
The question is: Can there be too much pedal travel? If I turn the gearbox output shaft with it in gear the clutch releases easily, but if I continue pressing the pedal the clutch starts to drag again, is this normal? Will I possibly need to fit a pedal stop?

[Edited on 27-7-16 by 40inches]

r1_pete - 27/7/16 at 09:46 AM

It does sound as though you are pushing the clutch diaphragm spring too far and causing the drag, it may be pushing as far as the friction plate, and pressing it into the flywheel.

Could you go for a 5:1 ratio?

40inches - 27/7/16 at 10:09 AM

Originally posted by r1_pete
It does sound as though you are pushing the clutch diaphragm spring too far and causing the drag, it may be pushing as far as the friction plate, and pressing it into the flywheel.

Could you go for a 5:1 ratio?

It was a pain to modify the pedal box Pete, I managed to move the pivot point down 20mm and remount the master cylinder, it was binding. There is a facility for a screw stop adjuster on the pedal box, I will see if that works.
The pedal feels as if it goes "over centre" so if I set the stop just after the tip over point?

prawnabie - 27/7/16 at 10:33 AM

I had the same problem with my mx5 based westfield, I had to put a stop behind the pedal else it would over disengage.

40inches - 27/7/16 at 12:02 PM

Originally posted by prawnabie
I had the same problem with my mx5 based westfield, I had to put a stop behind the pedal else it would over disengage.

Do they use a CSC?

r1_pete - 27/7/16 at 12:53 PM

Gawd, CSC, gets everywhere, my wife's initials, the company I work for.......

prawnabie - 27/7/16 at 02:42 PM

No just a master + slave cylinder but the problem is exactly the same