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Duratec flywheel help
ibakes - 28/3/17 at 09:16 AM

Hi All

I Have just purchased the following flywheel for my Duratec

The gent I bought it from was great and answered all of my questions before I siad yes to it.

However it was delivered yesterday and have 2 issues.

1. The standard clutch kit does not fit, bit of a shame but with no real details on the flywheel, how do I find out what will fit?

2. When fitted, it sits so close to the block that the starter motor will always be engaged (overlapping by around 5mm I think), the person who sent it out to me mentioned a spacer (or just washers), has anyone else had this issue? or know of anyone who sells the spacer?

Many thanks in advance.

Dick - 28/3/17 at 09:57 AM

The person that sent it mention using washers and you still want to fit it

ibakes - 28/3/17 at 10:12 AM

yeah, its kindof why I am asking about the spacer/shim or if anyone else has had this issue or where to get one from?

the gent i got this from never fitted this to his car as he was able to get a full kit from a friend.

or is there anyway i can correctly identify what this would have been from?

redturner - 28/3/17 at 12:03 PM

Where are the threaded holes for the clutch cover to bolt to. Are you sure bit's not a stator plate for an automatic........

ibakes - 28/3/17 at 12:25 PM

this is the other side


the standard clutch and plate do not allign to the locator holes. I can take the flywheel along to euro's and get them to find one that fits. but its mostly the spacer plate that rings alarm bells, I have found spacers but not sure they are meant to fit between the block and the flywheel.

strator plate???

se7ensport - 28/3/17 at 03:14 PM

It looks like the Titan one Burtons sell:

Its designed to take a 7.25" competition racing clutch.

The starter motor gear on a Duratec is always engaged with the flywheel, it does not "shoot out" to engage i.e. older style.

Shouldn't need any spacers or washers, just a set of ARP flywheel bolts with loctite 242 (hard to find, got mine from ebay) and ARP assembly lube (comes with the bolts).

ibakes - 28/3/17 at 03:31 PM

Many thanks

That looks quite different to my pictures

The standard clutch fits the main 'ring' and the plate is very close to fitting but will only go over one location pin at any time, however i will measure it all when I get home later on

I dont believe the dual mass flywheel and standard starter are overlapping in normal use, however will check later on too.

se7ensport - 28/3/17 at 03:58 PM

I take back the Titan comment now I've had a proper look on a laptop.

It unusual compared to other pictures of duratec flywheels in that it has raised lugs to hold the clutch assembly, only thing similar is from Dunnell for the Zetec:
Zetec Flywheel

ibakes - 28/3/17 at 04:17 PM

Yeah found simular on american websites but for other cars

evo one

i'll check the standard flywheel later against the starter but i am sure the 2 are not normally engaged

just found this.. probably the closest so far just missing the logs
CC flywheel

[Edited on 28/3/17 by ibakes]

ibakes - 28/3/17 at 04:28 PM

right think THIS IS THE ONE

guessing there is a lot different between a US 2013 Focus and 2005 Mondeo

se7ensport - 28/3/17 at 07:55 PM

The newer focus ST uses an ecoboost, not a duratec.

ibakes - 29/3/17 at 08:04 AM


least i know roughly what clutch to look for

back to the spacer question.. anyone ever heard or used one?

i can get one made up but still not sure i want to use one giving the speed the go