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check out my 2.0 pinto
matt page - 4/2/07 at 09:19 PM

just got my car fired up last saturday. im running a pinto on twin dellorto 45s, a ported head and a hotrod cam

swood - 4/2/07 at 09:35 PM

Music - Hope mine sounds that good first time !

matt page - 4/2/07 at 09:37 PM

cheers swood all the best with your mk

flak monkey - 4/2/07 at 09:39 PM

Think the mic was struggling/complaining a bit there. Sounds a bit overdriven

Sounds good though. Great feeling when you get it fired up isnt it?

Dad had the tenacity to phone me up on saturday and wind me up because he had wheeled my car out to give it a run. Cheeky sod


auzziejim - 4/2/07 at 10:01 PM

typical pinto, sounding nice and strong.

you managed to loose the grin yet?

i had mine run up today, still needs a bit of fettling with the carbs and final adjustments of the timing but i'l leave that til the rr tuning.

matt page - 4/2/07 at 10:04 PM

still got the grin
my carbs still need balancing so it should sound slightly better on idle... cant wait for the road test