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Adrian Flux on the tin top!!!
owelly - 11/4/08 at 11:01 AM

About six weeks ago, I took out insurance on the Laguna. I choose AF mainly because my mototry bike and Plastic cars are also covered by them and it's nice to have everything in one cupboard! When I took out the policy, it was with the understanding that I could transfer my 10 years NCB when the insurance expired on my other vehicle. The policy cost me £250 Fully comp. This amount would decrease when the NCB was transferred.
I contacted AF the other day to inform them that the other ploivcy had expired and I would like to transfer the NCB. No problems and the NCB was transferred, but then AF told me I didn't have the NCB protected and it was not possible to add it to a policy mid-term. The only way around this is to start the policy again. I accepted this provided I wouldn't be penalised for having to end the current policy in order to take out the new one. AF agreed.
I had an answerphone message to contact AF to confirm a few details on the new policy but as soon as they got as far as the new quote, I had to stop them. £350!!!
So the original policy was £250 with no NCB and now they want £350 with ten years NCB!! If I cancel the policy, I won't get much of the cash back. I suggested that it seemed a bit daft but AF confirmed that you premiums for the policies change on a daily basis. I also mentioned that I have three policies with them totalling almost £1000 a year but she just suggested I go elsewhere.

I will be going elsewhere and I'll be taking my other policies with me!!!

[Edited on 11/4/08 by owelly]

greggers - 11/4/08 at 11:23 AM

I'm beginning to think the same way about Mr Flux. They were more competitive a few years ago when I was in my early twenties than they are now. They don't seem to take things like experience and current vehicles into acocunt like they used to.

I wanted to get insurance for an Integrale last week and they couldn't do better than £2,000 rang up Privilege and they would have insured me for £850. Insurance brokers ain't what they used to be.

tri - 11/4/08 at 11:34 AM

I am with them for my golf.
I WONT be using them next year. I paid the full amount in one and later got a letter saying they going to cancel if i didn't pay my next instalment so phone and was told that it was "standard letter" how can it be normal to threaten me after taking my money. So once that was sorted out a few weeks later i got another letter again saying they will cancel my policy if i don't send them some information (which the person on the phone last time said they have) so once again i phoned and they said it was all fine so thats twice i panic that i gonna lose my insurace.

So yeah wont be going near them again i'd rather pay more and know that i will still be insured

02GF74 - 11/4/08 at 12:38 PM

Originally posted by owelly

I will be going elsewhere and I'll be taking my other policies with me!!!


as I have said before, insurance companies are not charitable instituitions but money grabbing barstewards.

I find for regular tin tops there are mcuh better comapnies - try chcurchill, privilege, admiral although I suspect that is the same company.