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more chrome (sorry)
ayoungman - 1/3/05 at 10:33 AM

sorry, just have to show you my nice cam cover that I've got back from the metal finishers. Yes I know I've got issues about chrome, but we have all got our vices haven't we ?........... Mine's a 5 inch Stanley actually ! Rescued attachment rocker chromed.JPG
Rescued attachment rocker chromed.JPG

DaveFJ - 1/3/05 at 11:34 AM


don't care what others say about it - I would be using chrome as much as you if I could afford it.

James - 1/3/05 at 12:17 PM

Very nice.

How much does it cost to get something like that chromed?

Just want a ball park figure really- I'm considering having my exhaust done!


tractorboy - 1/3/05 at 09:39 PM

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... shiney lovely!!!

ayoungman - 2/3/05 at 12:48 PM

For an exhaust to be done, your looking at £250-£450. It is the polishing process that is needed after plating that pushes up the price. Obviously, some firms do quote lower prices, but you do often get an inferior job. The chrome is very thin with a watery appearance. Always see an example in the flesh before committing money.