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Anyon willing to let me join them on part of their weekend sprint?
coyoteboy - 10/1/11 at 03:03 AM

I've got no closer to making a decision, I can see the pros and cons of all options and can't decide between them. I have reservations about BECs despite everyone telling me they're mindblowing. I know it's asking a lot, but is there anyone nearish Glasgow willing to let me sit in with them for a short sprint? Happy to travel for the experience!


mangogrooveworkshop - 10/1/11 at 07:04 AM

sure when the season starts

davidloomes - 10/1/11 at 06:48 PM

You next best chance to see sprint cars in action in Scotland would be at the annual pre-season test day hosted at Kames by the East Ayrshire club. This year it's on 12-13/03. I expect to be there, but I'm not a bec (VX engined westy) so perhaps not interesting.

Not sure what the rules are on test days re carrying passengers. Certainly all the drivers require to be members of the club for insurance reasons.


coyoteboy - 11/1/11 at 11:45 AM

mangogrooveworkshop - cheers, let me know (Season never ends for me)

David - interesting point, would be a good thing to go and see at the very least!