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zx9r instruments
westindy - 21/4/03 at 07:54 AM

I would like to use both speedo/rev counter on the original instrument set does anyone have experience of how I can mount the sensor for speedo pickup of the prop shaft - can it be done?

Jasper - 21/4/03 at 07:24 PM

Ask on the Yahoo BEC list if you don't get any joy here, they'll know...

coozer - 21/4/03 at 08:47 PM

Easy, mines on the end a bolt that is screwed into one the original sprocket cover holes and smiles at the prop flange bolt four times per revolution, which is a canny few times, aka the original setup.
Will read very strange though with the altered gearing.


Rorty - 22/4/03 at 02:52 AM

You can use a Yellow Box to correct the reading, or if you're feeling creative (read: poor), you could do the maths, and work out how many spikes are required to correct the reading. Then all you have to do, is cut a disc with the appropriate number of protruding fingers for the sensor to read, and sandwich the disc between the sprocket and prop flange! Bob's your mother's brother!

MK9R - 22/4/03 at 08:51 AM

Someone posted on here (can't rember who) that they set up the speedo using the bolt heads on the prop shaft flange (i.e. 4 pick ups) which worked fine, apart from it reading 45% high. They then changed it so it picked up 3 lugs per revolution and it was only 8% out.

Ninja - 22/4/03 at 09:51 AM

I set mine up to look at the 4 bolts holding the prop, found this was out by about 45%, so then reduced it by looking at 3 special "flags" now it's around 10% out. I tried to get a decent photo but it was not very clear, however I plan to be at Stonliegh so if anyone wants to take a look they are welcome.

westindy - 22/4/03 at 09:51 PM

Yes Please Ninja - What car/colour have you got and will it be Locost section?
Thanks, Paul

Ninja - 23/4/03 at 11:04 AM

Weather permitting I plan to be there both days. The car is yellow and silver and will be in the Locost area if I can find it!!

westindy - 4/6/03 at 09:19 PM

Ninja, Missed your car at Stoneleigh any chance of a photo of your sensor setup please?

locodude - 4/6/03 at 09:39 PM

I have a similar set up but seems to be more than 10% out (probably due to diff ratio), which I shall be correcting with a Yellowbox (arriving anytime soon). The 'flags' on my set up are on a plate on the back of the prop adapter and the sensor is on a bracket bolted to an engine bolt. If you go this way make sure the 'flags are at equal centres and all the same width or the speedo needle will be all over the place, I know from experience. I'll try to get a photo uploaded if I think on.

Ninja - 6/6/03 at 01:19 PM

I've discovered the close-up button on the camera, so will try again to get a decent picture of the pick-up mounting over the weekend.

westindy - 6/6/03 at 10:41 PM

Ninja, If you could it would be very much appreciated. Cheers, Paul

locodude - 7/6/03 at 04:59 PM

Looks like the Yellowbox won't be needed after all, I followed a couple of cars today at 50 and then 70mph and my speedo was reading 55 and 77mph respectively. I know it's 10% out but at least it's on the safe side i.e reading over. Not really enough to warrant the cost so it'll go into stock or we'll use it on a full build. If it was 10% under I'd bang it on straight away.

westindy - 7/6/03 at 09:23 PM

Any photo's you could take of your setup - flags/plate...etc would be appreciated. I'm not bothered about being 10% fast as you said its on the right side.
Cheers Paul

locodude - 8/6/03 at 02:51 PM

Here you go.

westindy - 12/6/03 at 09:51 PM

Locodude, Thanks very much for taking/posting pictures it makes the task that much easier. Start my ZX9R for the first time this weekend - I hope!!!
Cheers, Paul