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R1 bits
progers - 16/7/12 at 07:01 PM

Hi All,

I am in the midst of a garage clearout and need to get rid of a lot of stuff. First off, I have a couple of large stackable plastic containers full of R1 bits. This is primarily the parts that were stripped from an almost new 5PW engine that had a cracked crankcase. So it includes most of an engine minus the gearbox (I put that into my race car). The old (worn) gearbox is included :-)

When I get a chance I'll take some piccies, but if someone wants to take all the parts off my hands for £75 let me know. Head and cams must be worth that alone....

Pickup from Attleborough in Norfolk, u2u or mail



Barkalarr - 17/7/12 at 07:01 AM

Have you got the clocks?

progers - 17/7/12 at 11:00 AM

Sorry no clocks.

This is basically a dis-assembled engine. All parts there minus one or two engine covers, crank and crankcase. It includes a complete clutch assembly i.e. set of frictions and steels.

- Paul

progers - 21/7/12 at 08:55 AM

No-one on here wants a spare engine parts for their R1? Most bits are suitable for carbed as well as injected R1....

Will go on e-bay soon

- Paul